Rosa Stones

BA (Hons) Illustration

Rosa Stones

It all starts with something simple. What many may overlook as everyday routine can be extremely meaningful to the right person.

As an illustrator I like to focus on these smaller moments in life and use my work to reflect this; I utilise my work as an avenue to explore the dilemmas I face personally, this work has not just been about working towards fulfilling and solving how I feel but to also help explore problems for the audience.
This year my work has focused on struggles with depression. I wanted to show what I was going and my own personal journey, delving into its effect not just on the sufferer but also the people around them.

Working through the project I realised it presented an opportunity to use my story to help inform others struggling through a similar experience.

Despite the sombre subject, my work utilises a bright and colourful palette; I like to see the brighter side and these colours reveal a positivity and hope which isn’t always apparent to someone suffering from depression. My palette became quite simple despite the brightness when working, a simple but carefully chosen range of pigment inked colours complemented the freehand sketch style of the work.

Hopefully with this work I can show people how to make progress in the face of a difficulty that’s all too often hid from others around them.

Mae’r cyfan yn dechrau gyda rhywbeth syml. Gall rhywbeth cyffredin, a gymerwn yn gwbl ganiataol, fod yn ystyrlon tu hwnt i’r person cywir.

Fel darlunydd, rwy’n hoffi canolbwyntio ar yr ysbeidiau byr hyn mewn bywyd a defnyddio fy ngwaith i’w hadlewyrchu; defnyddiaf fy ngwaith yn gyfrwng i archwilio’r dilemâu rwy’n eu hwynebu’n bersonol; nid dim ond diwallu a datrys sut rydw i’n teimlo oedd nod y gwaith, ond hefyd helpu i’r gynulleidfa archwilio problemau.
Eleni, mae fy ngwaith wedi canolbwyntio ar ymrafael ag iselder. Roeddwn i eisiau dangos fy mhrofiad i a’m taith bersonol, gan durio i effaith iselder nid yn unig ar y dioddefwr, ond ar y bobl o’i gwmpas hefyd.

Wrth weithio ar y prosiect, sylweddolais ei fod yn cynnig cyfle i ddefnyddio fy stori i i helpu eraill sy’n ymrafael â phrofiad tebyg.

Er y pwnc prudd, mae fy ngwaith yn defnyddio palet lliwgar a llachar; rwy’n hoffi gweld yr ochr oleuach ac mae’r lliwiau hyn yn datgelu agwedd gadarnhaol a gobaith, nad ydynt bob amser yn amlwg i rywun sy’n dioddef iselder. Aeth fy mhalet yn eithaf syml, er llachar, wrth weithio; fe wnaeth dewis syml, ond dewis gofalus, o liwiau inc pigment ategu arddull brasluniau llawrydd y gwaith.

Yn y gwaith hwn, fy ngobaith yw y gallaf ddangos i bobl sut i gamu ymlaen yn wyneb anhawster sydd ynghudd yn rhy aml rhag eraill o’u cwmpas.

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