Rupert Elliott

BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology | Uncategorised

As the effects of global warming are having catastrophic effects around the globe, I aimed to design a truly sustainable building that emits low levels of carbon, both in the materials used in construction and when the building is in operational use.

This led to a fabric first approach by achieving low u-values and low air permeability ratings. I aimed to limit the use of high embodied energy materials such as that of concrete and steel where possible.

This led to the use of structural insulated panel and cross-laminated timber technologies for a large majority of the construction. Both these technologies are at the heart of what makes the building sustainable by offering excellent thermal performance and therefore reducing the buildings carbon footprint.

Various other low and zero carbon technologies helped to achieve my aim of sustainability with this project when servicing the building. The superb views available at Friars Point was an area I wanted to take full advantage of and this was ultimately the deciding factor on the hotels orientation and the reason for many of the design features shown such as the large amount of curtain walling.

Mae cynhesu byd-eang yn cael effaith drychinebus o gwmpas y byd a’m nod oedd dylunio adeilad gwirioneddol gynaliadwy a fyddai’n allyrru lefelau isel o garbon, yn y deunyddiau a ddefnyddid yn y gwaith adeiladu a phan fyddai’r adeilad yn weithredol.

Canlyniad hyn oedd ystyried y ffabrigau’n gyntaf er mwyn sicrhau gwerthoedd-u isel a ffigurau athreiddedd aer isel. Roeddwn am gyfyngu’r defnydd ar ddeunyddiau lle roedd angen ynni uchel i’w cynhyrchu megis concrid a dur lle roedd hynny’n bosib.

Fe wnaeth hyn arwain at ddefnyddio technolegau pren traws-laminedig a phaneli insiwledig strwythurol ar gyfer y rhan fwyaf o’r adeiladu. Mae’r ddwy dechnoleg yn ganolog i’r hyn sy’n gwneud yr adeilad yn gynaliadwy drwy gynnig perfformiad thermol ardderchog sydd felly’n lleihau ôl-troed carbon yr adeilad.

Fe wnaeth gwahanol dechnolegau carbon isel neu sero eraill fy helpu i gyflawni fy nod o gynaladwyedd yn y prosiect hwn wrth wasanaethu’r adeilad. Roedd y golygfeydd gwych sydd ar gael yn Friars Point yn rhywbeth roeddwn am fanteisio’n llawn arno a dyma oedd y ffactor a wnaeth i fi benderfynu ar ogwydd y gwesty a’r rheswm dros lawer o nodweddion y dylunio a welir megis y defnydd helaeth ar furlenni.

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