Sam Tumbridge

BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology

Friars point building development will become a sustainability beacon for the South-Wales region. The mixed-use development contains public workshop spaces, private offices and high-end residential apartments. The sustainability credentials have been achieved through specification. Through over-achieving on U-values set out with Building Regulations, the building is thermally air-tight and achieves an A rating on its energy performance certificate. Embodied energy has been reduced within the buildings frame through specification of materials which are predominantly recycled and can be completely recycled after the building’s life cycle. This includes the reduced use of high embodied materials such as concrete.

Ecological features such as green energy harvesting have been made possible through the specification of highly efficient monocrystalline solar PV’s which cover the buildings flat roofs at a high level. These PV’s remain unseen from an eye level to keep the architecture prowess intact. The buildings facades are clad in a self-cleaning and maintaining Titanium Zinc blend material which has a pre-patina finish meaning the buildings appearance will not change under the salt-air conditions. This material has a low shine when exposed to sunlight and has a golden/blue hue when the weather is cast over. The balconies form sinuous curves surrounding the building, mimicking the form of rolling waves which are a predominant feature of the coastal setting. This gives each apartment the ability to have truly unique views of the stunning Welsh coastline.

Bydd datblygiad Trwyn y Brodyr yn tyfu’n esiampl ddisglair o gynaliadwyedd ar draws ardal y de. Mae’r datblygiad defnydd cymysg yn cynnwys gofod gweithdy cyhoeddus, swyddfeydd preifat a fflatiau preswyl o’r safon uchaf. Cyflawnwyd y cymwysterau cynaliadwyedd drwy’r fanyleb. Drwy or-gyflawni o ran y gwerthoedd-U a nodir gan Reoliadau Adeiladu, mae’r adeilad yn aerglos yn thermol ac yn cyflawni sgôr A ar ei dystysgrif perfformiad ynni. Mae egni ymgorfforedig wedi’i leihau o fewn ffrâm yr adeilad drwy bennu deunyddiau sydd wedi’u hailgylchu ar y cyfan, ac y gellir eu hailgylchu’n llwyr ar ddiwedd cylch bywyd yr adeilad. Mae hyn yn cynnwys lleihau’r defnydd o ddeunyddiau ymgorfforedig uchel fel concrit.

Mae nodweddion ecolegol fel cynaeafu ynni gwyrdd wedi bod yn bosibl drwy osod paneli solar ffotofoltaig solar monocrystalin effeithlon iawn ar hyd doeau gwastad uchel yr adeilad. Mae’r paneli solar hyn yn anweledig o’r llawr er mwyn cynnal y cadernid pensaernïol. Mae ffasadau’r adeiladau wedi’u gorchuddio â deunydd titaniwm sinc cyfunol sy’n glanhau a chynnal a chadw ei hun, ac sydd hefyd â haen batina yn ei le na fydd yn newid ei edrychiad er gwaetha’r amodau aer hallt. Mae’r deunydd yn lled-ddisgleirio yng ngolau’r haul, ac yn las euraidd dan amodau cymylog. Mae’r balconïau’n ffurfio cromliniau dolennog o amgylch yr adeilad, gan ddynwared ffurf tonnau’n torri sy’n nodwedd amlwg o’r lleoliad arfordirol. Mae hyn yn caniatáu i bob un o’r fflatiau fanteisio ar olygfeydd cwbl unigryw o arfordir trawiadol Cymru.

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