Chloe Burgess

BA (Hons) Fashion Design

Studying BA Fashion Design at Cardiff Metropolitan University whilst partaking in a Rendal Fashion internship has allowed me to explore my creative interest in the fashion industry. I am particularly interested in womenswear, and I always look for ways to design more sustainably through fabrics, paints and other mediums. Whilst designing clothing I always do extensive trend research and look for ways to extend the trends lifeline.

The concept for my graduate collection is about women’s identities and allowing them to be comfortable expressing themselves in clothing that represents them. My designs were inspired by the anxiety I felt whilst walking home alone in the dark. I wanted to recreate the feelings of everyday situations that cause people to become anxious and reflect that into my work. I showcase this though the conceal – reveal functionality to my designs as well as the anxiety prints that were created and inspired by my surroundings.

Mae astudio BA Dylunio Ffasiwn ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd ar y cyd ag interniaeth ffasiwn gyda Rendal wedi rhoi cyfle i mi archwilio fy niddordebau creadigol yn y diwydiant ffasiwn. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr mewn dillad merched, ac rwy’n edrych o hyd am ffyrdd i ddylunio mewn modd mwy cynaliadwy drwy ddefnyddiau, paent a chyfryngau eraill. Wrth ddylunio dillad rwy’n gwneud gwaith ymchwil helaeth i dueddiadau ac yn chwilio am ffyrdd i ymestyn oes tueddiadau.

Mae’r cysyniad ar gyfer fy nghasgliad gradd yn ymwneud â hunaniaeth merched a gadael iddynt deimlo’n gyfforddus wrth fynegi eu hunain mewn dillad sy’n eu cynrychioli nhw. Ysbrydolwyd fy nyluniadau gan y gorbryder roeddwn i’n ei deimlo wrth gerdded adref yn y tywyllwch. Roeddwn i’n awyddus i ail-greu teimladau sefyllfaoedd bywyd bob dydd sy’n achosi i bobl deimlo’n orbryderus gan adlewyrchu hynny yn fy ngwaith. Rwy’n dangos hyn drwy ymarferoldeb cuddio – datgelu fy nyluniadau yn ogystal â’r printiau gorbryder a gafodd eu creu a’u hysbrydoli gan bopeth o’m cwmpas.


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