Alexandra Browning

BA (Hons) Fine Art

Alexandra Browning

My practice is inspired by the experience of being immersed in a location. The artwork is created in a combination of on-site and off-site methods, for example the use of a travel journal has enabled quick sketches to be made at any location and then combined with photography to create artworks. The majority of artworks made have been sketches and prints, most of which have been mounted or further worked to create other works. The concept of mounting the prints has emerged from research in to archiving and presentation methods. As a long-running theme of my practice most of the works have been made using methods of organisation and theories of tangibility, having interaction within a piece has always been an element I have been interested in and has been pushed further within this piece.

The themes running through my works are influenced by Dieter Roth and the aspect of archival and collections and Foster Spragge and the idea of mapping a location and making works from the experience of a city. These artists have allowed my work to develop and have influenced my past work.

Mae fy ngwaith wedi’i ysbrydoli gan y profiad o gael fy nhrwytho mewn lleoliad. Caiff y gwaith celf ei greu mewn cyfuniad o ddulliau ar y safle ac oddi ar y safle, er enghraifft drwy ddefnyddio cofnodlyfr teithio, gallaf wneud brasluniau cyflym unrhyw le ac yna eu cyfuno â ffotograffiaeth i greu gwaith celf. Mae’r mwyafrif o’r gwaith celf yn cynnwys brasluniau a phrintiau, ac mae’r rhan fwyaf ohonynt wedi cael eu mowntio neu eu gweithio ymhellach er mwyn creu gweithiau eraill. Mae’r cysyniad o fowntio’r printiau wedi deillio o waith ymchwil i ddulliau archifo a chyflwyno. Fel un o themâu hirsefydlog fy ngwaith, mae’r rhan fwyaf o’r darnau wedi cael eu gwneud gan ddefnyddio dulliau trefniadaeth a damcaniaethau cyffyrddadwyedd. Mae rhyngweithio â darn yn elfen rwyf wedi ymddiddori ynddi erioed ac mae wedi cael ei wthio ymhellach yn y darn hwn.

Mae Dieter Roth a’r cysyniad o archifau a chasgliadau a Foster Sparagge a’r syniad o fapio lleoliad a chreu gwaith o brofiad o ddinas wedi dylanwadu ar y themâu sy’n rhedeg drwy fy ngwaith. Mae’r artistiaid hyn wedi galluogi fy ngwaith i ddatblygu ac wedi dylanwadu ar fy ngwaith yn y gorffennol.

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