Alice Hargraves

BA (Hons) Textiles

The Arctic Depths collection focuses on the unique sea creatures, Opisthobranchia or sea slugs, exploring their fascinating colour, shape and pattern. The collection is made up of contrasting yet complementary conversational motifs alongside abstract designs.

A sea-themed concept has inspired shape and movement throughout the designs; from swirls of marbled colour to splashes of paint, combined with a variation in scale and repeat. The colour palette is inspired by crashing waves, and enhanced by research into arctic environments with cold and clean shades of blues, greens and greys.

The sea slug collection includes an array of techniques in both print and stitch, with samples including digital designs accompanied by a selection of prints using hand-finished qualities such as foils and silk gutta. Designing for interiors has influenced a soft and luxurious quality of fabric, helping to provide a feel of comfort and style, combined with a fresh look for the interior, domestic market.

Mae casgliad Dyfnderoedd yr Arctig yn canolbwyntio ar y creaduriaid môr unigryw, Opisthobranchia neu falwod môr, ac mae’n archwilio eu lliwiau, eu siapiau a’u patrymau sy’n destun rhyfeddod. Mae’r casgliad wedi’i lunio o fotiffau sgyrsiol sy’n gyferbyniol ond eto’n gyflenwol yn gyfochr â dyluniadau haniaethol.

Fe fu cysyniad ar thema’r môr yn ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer siâp a symud drwy’r gwaith dylunio i gyd; o chwyrliadau o liw marblys hyd at sblashiadau o baent, wedi’u cyfuno â meintiau ac ailadrodd amrywiol. Tonnau yn torri ar y lan sy’n ysbrydoli’r palet lliw ac fe wnaeth gwaith ymchwil i amgylcheddau’r arctig ychwanegu at hyn drwy gynnig arlliwiau glas, gwyrdd a llwyd oer a glân.

Mae’r casgliad malwod môr yn cynnwys amrywiaeth o dechnegau ar ffurf print a phwyth â samplau o ddyluniadau digidol ynghyd â detholiad o brintiau a ddefnyddiodd nodweddion o waith llaw megis ffoiliau a gwta sidan. Fe wnaeth dylunio ar gyfer y tu mewn i adeiladau gynhyrchu ffabrig meddal moethus ei ansawdd a fu’n gymorth i greu ymdeimlad o gyfforddusrwydd a steil ynghyd â golwg ffres ar gyfer y farchnad fewnol ddomestig.

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