April Boeg

BA (Hons) Graphic Communication

When I was enlightened about period poverty within the UK, I knew this was something I wanted to raise awareness and try and make a change through my final major project. The biggest thing was that boys and girls are educated about periods separately making a big stigma on just talking about periods let alone period poverty, leading girls being embarrassed while on their period. This was something that made my decision on educating both boys and girls on periods and creating Let’s Talk Period.

To do this I made an animation that was explaining the periods but by using a visual metaphor and then the technical voice over. Then I went and developed the brand by making an educational pack that is given to each classroom. Where there is a booklet explaining more information on periods in a bit more depth, a parent card for each student to take home for their parents, a game for them to play on the myths and facts on periods and 2 posters for the bathrooms in the class. For everything I wanted to make sure that it all stayed within the limited colour palette to make the brand as itself recognisable and strong.

By doing this project it has made me push myself out of my comfort zone and explore more medias that I’m not familiar with. It has also made me look at the little things more in detail and think a lot deeper.

Pan gynyddwyd fy ymwybyddiaeth am dlodi mislif yn y Deyrnas Unedig, bu i mi wybod bod hyn yn rhywbeth yr oeddwn eisiau codi ymwybyddiaeth ohono a cheisio peri newid trwy fy mhrif brosiect terfynol. Y peth mwyaf oedd bod bechgyn a merched yn cael eu haddysgu am y mislif ar wahân, gan greu stigma mawr wrth ddim ond siarad am y mislif heb sôn am dlodi mislif, gan olygu i ferched deimlo embaras am eu mislif. Dyma rywbeth a arweiniodd at fy mhenderfyniad ar addysgu bechgyn a merched fel ei gilydd ar y mislif a chreu Let’s Talk Period.

I wneud hyn fe wnes i animeiddiad a esboniodd y mislif ond trwy ddefnyddio trosiad gweledol a throsleisio technegol. Wedyn es i ati i ddatblygu’r brand trwy greu pecyn addysgiadol a roddir i bob dosbarth. Ceir llyfryn sy’n rhoi mwy o wybodaeth am y mislif mewn mwy o fanylder, cerdyn i rieni i bob myfyriwr fynd ag ef adref i’w rhieni, gêm i chwarae ynglŷn â mythau a ffeithiau’r mislif a 2 boster ar gyfer yr ystafelloedd ymolchi a’r ystafell ddosbarth. Roeddwn eisiau sicrhau bod popeth wedi’i gadw o fewn y palet lliwiau cyfyngedig er mwyn gwneud y brand ei hun yn adnabyddus ac yn gryf.

Mae gwneud y prosiect hwn wedi gwneud i mi wthio fy hun allan o fy mharth cysur ac ymchwilio i fwy o gyfryngau nad wyf yn gyfarwydd â nhw. Mae hefyd wedi peri i mi edrych ar y pethau bychain yn fanylach a meddwl yn ddyfnach o lawer.

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