Arthur Jarvis

BA (Hons) Fine Art

Apparition Series

Arthur explores intimate connections that one may have with another, using emphasised details and divine-like figures as a metaphor for personal experiences; heightened emotions and intense connections can be simulated. His concept dictates materiality by the essence it possesses, triggering metaphysical stimulation. Concentration is on black, slick, reflective, smoky and sickly qualities; further contrasting the elements of the work and often subverting the romantic into the illicit side of relationships and vice versa.

With a history of high contrast themed work, he moved into sculpture to heighten his focus from black and white to the dichotomy between existence and nothingness. These ‘Ghosts’ in particular embody what it means to be an essence of a person and by simultaneously ‘there’ and ‘not there’. Fore-fronting the concept that an established connection with another being manifests into energy that echoes and ripples. Illusions using negative space and physical matter speaks volumes – one could not exist without the other.

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