Cerys Powell

BA (Hons) Fine Art

My work explores the relationship between a space and the art in it. I have become intrigued by how a painting can effect a space, exploring corporate art, it can be used to influence productivity and creativity in that environment.

With influence from Colour Theory, I looked at how different colours can influence emotions differently. Also including the influence my own emotions, these painting are open to interpretation allowing the audience to create their own version of how the painting will make them feel.

Mae fy ngwaith yn ystyried y berthynas rhwng gofod a’r gelfyddyd o’i fewn. Rwy’n chwilfrydig am y modd y gall paentiad effeithio ar ofod, ac o ystyried celf gorfforaethol, gall gael ei ddefnyddio i ddylanwadu ar gynhyrchedd a chreadigrwydd o fewn yr amgylchedd hwnnw.

Dan ddylanwad Theori Lliw, edrychais ar y modd y gall lliwiau gwahanol ddylanwadu’n wahanol ar emosiynau. Drwy gynnwys dylanwad fy emosiynau i fy hun hefyd, mae’r paentiau yma’n agored i’w dehongli gan roi cyfle i’r gynulleidfa greu eu fersiwn eu hunain o’r ffordd y bydd y paentiad yn gwneud iddynt deimlo.

• https://www.instagram.com/ceryspowell_art

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