Cheryl Turner

BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology

Cheryl Turner

Cheryl Turner, an Architectural Technologist used Revit and AutoCAD to create a planning and construction package. Working with 2 and 3-dimensional model software, allowed to build and evolve an initial concept into The Anchorage.

The design aspects of The Anchorage developed using simple cuboid and geometric shapes, accented with bold lines of colour. The refurbished factory vibe is inspired by the area’s historic roots as an industrial dockland. This is reflected by selecting facing brickwork as the main external wall finish, complimented by the uniform floor to ceiling rectangular glazing.
To give the building a contemporary feel, coloured rainscreen cladding will introduce a pop of urban vibrancy to the local area. The colours of the rainscreen cladding will reflect those of its surroundings – blue to compliment the waterfront and orange/red to reflect the industrial metal feel of the docklands.

Horizontal emphasis in the design reduces the overall impact of its height resulting in enhanced waterfront views of Cardiff Bay. Consciously focused on integrating the design into the existing area whilst encouraging sustainability and supporting local businesses, The Anchorage in its prominent position, will enhance this historically rich area of Cardiff.

Defnyddiodd Cheryl Turner, sy’n Dechnolegydd Pensaernïol, Revit ac AutoCAD er mwyn creu pecyn a chynllunio a llunio. Gweithiwyd gyda meddalwedd model 2 a 3 dimensiwn, a galluogodd hynny iddi adeiladu a datblygu cysyniad cychwynnol i mewn i‘r ‘Anchorage’.

Datblygodd agweddau dylunio’r Anchorage gan ddefnyddio siapiau ciwboid a geometrig a‘i bwysleisio gyda llinellau beiddgar o liwiau. Seiliwyd ail-wampio’r ffatri ar wreiddiau hanesyddol yr ardal fel ardal ddociau diwydiannol. Adlewyrchir hyn drwy ddethol y gwaith brics fel gorchudd terfynol y wal allanol a’r gwydriad unffurf petryal o’r llawr i‘r to yn ei ategu. I roi teimlad cyfoes i’r adeilad, bydd y cladin lliw rhag glaw yn cyflwyno egni. Bydd lliwiau’r cladin yn adlewyrchu lliwiau’r amgylchoedd – glas i ategu’r dŵr ac oren/coch i adlewyrchu teimlad diwydiannol ardal y dociau.

Mae’r pwyslais llorweddol yn y dyluniad yn lleihau effaith gyffredinol ei uchder ac o ganlyniad gwell golygfeydd o Fae Caerdydd. Yn ffocysu’n fwriadol ar integreiddio’r dyluniad mewn i’r ardal tra’n annog cynaladwyedd a chynorthwyo busnesau lleol. Bydd yr Anchorage yn ei safle amlwg yn cyfoethogi’r ardal cyfoethog hon o Gaerdydd.

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