Chloe Carter

BA (Hons) Product Design

As a designer I believe that we are at the root of our societies success by helping shape and mold the future that we all dream of. Since I began to take my design work as a serious interest, I have bettered myself by developing my abilities as a designer to design, develop and understand the issues that we face today. I want to be the change that people need, whether that be to one person or thousands, I believe I can make a difference and I am ready to do so.

Fel dylunydd, credaf ein bod wrth wraidd llwyddiant ein cymdeithasau wrth i ni helpu i lunio a siapio’r dyfodol mae pob un ohonom yn ei ddeisyfu. Ers i mi ddechrau cymryd fy niddordeb mewn gwaith dylunio o ddifrif, rydw i wedi gwella fy hun drwy ddatblygu fy ngallu fel dylunydd i ddylunio, datblygu a deall y problemau sy’n ein hwynebu ni heddiw. Rydw i am fod y newid sydd ei angen ar bobl, boed hynny i un person neu filoedd, rwy’n credu y galla i wneud gwahaniaeth ac rwy’n barod i wneud hynny.


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