David Rothwell

BA (Hons) Graphic Communication

Throughout my studies, my practice has developed and changed. Despite this, there are some things that do not. I have always been a passionate artist, and illustrator, and take great pleasure in incorporating this into my work, whether painting in acrylic and oil, or sketching, art is key to my practice. In fact, it was my inciting incident for becoming a Graphic Designer. Despite this, I am eager not to settle into one niche, and have done my upmost to develop, and maintain a variety of design related skills. One of my key projects this year used Lino printing, something I had only attempted once before. It has since become my proudest outcome this year.

My practice has given me the potential to reach large audiences, and create positive social change. Art, and design, when combined, are my avenue to achieve that goal. This is something I hope to pursue, and develop, once I graduate.

Ar hyd cyfnod fy astudiaethau, mae fy ymarfer wedi datblygu ac wedi newid. Er gwaethaf hyn, mae rhai pethau na fydd yn newid. Rwyf yn artist, ac yn ddarlunydd, brwdfrydig ac mae cynnwys hyn yn fy ngwaith yn rhoi pleser mawr i fi, p’un ai y bydd hynny’n beintio mewn acrylig ac olew neu’n fraslunio, mae celf yn allweddol i’m hymarfer. Mewn gwirionedd, dyna oedd y peth wnaeth fy ysgogi i ddod yn Ddylunydd Graffig. Er gwaethaf hyn, rwyf yn awyddus i beidio â bodloni i aros o fewn un niche, gan wneud fy ngorau glas i gael datblygu a chynnal amrywiaeth o sgiliau dylunio. Fe ddefnyddiodd un o’m prosiectau allweddol eleni brintio leino, rhywbeth na wnes i roi cynnig arno ond unwaith o’r blaen. Erbyn hyn dyma’r canlyniad rwyf mwyaf balch ohono eleni.

Mae fy ymarfer wedi rhoi’r potensial i gyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd mawr ac i greu newid cymdeithasol positif. Celf a dylunio, wedi’u cyfuno, yw fy llwybr i i gyrraedd y nod yna. Dyma rywbeth rwy’n gobeithio mynd ar ei ôl, a’i ddatblygu, unwaith y byddaf wedi graddio.

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