Ellie White

BA (Hons) Product Design

I believe all product design should be approached with an overriding goal to make the world an easier, more sustainable place to live and therefore make a difference to everyone’s day to day life and the environment surrounding us.

Through studying product design, I have developed an understanding that it is almost a requirement to design products with the user at the centre of my thought process. Ensuring the form and ergonomics are carefully considered for a final product with a human centred design. In addition, I think it is best to keep the process efficient and simple, with careful consideration of how to solve the existing issue.

Alongside my degree I compete at an elite level in triathlon and train in the National Triathlon Performance Centre Wales which includes a select high class group of athletes competing all over the world. Participating at this level requires a high level of commitment both physically and mentally. Having such enthusiasm for triathlon is reflected in my product design projects and has shaped my approach to every challenge I take on. I always apply a focused, disciplined attitude ensuring I am organised with my time to get what I set out do complete to the best of my ability.

Credaf y dylid mynd at holl waith ddylunio cynnyrch gyda’r nod pennaf o wneud y byd yn lle haws, mwy cynaliadwy i fyw ac felly gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywyd beunyddiol pawb a’r amgylchedd sydd o’n cwmpas.

Trwy astudio dylunio cynnyrch, rwy wedi datblygu dealltwriaeth ei bod bron yn ofyniad dylunio cynhyrchion gyda’r defnyddiwr wrth ganol fy mhroses feddwl. Rhaid sicrhau bod y ffurf a’r ergonomeg yn cael eu hystyried yn ofalus er mwyn creu cynnyrch terfynol gyda dyluniad sy’n canolbwyntio ar bobl. Yn ogystal, credaf mai’r peth gorau yw cadw’r broses yn effeithlon ac yn syml, gan roi ystyriaeth ofalus i sut i ddatrys y broblem sy’n bodoli.

Ochr yn ochr â’m gradd, rwy’n cystadlu ar lefel elît mewn treiathlon ac yn hyfforddi yng Nghanolfan Genedlaethol Perfformiad Treiathlon Cymru sy’n cynnwys grŵp dethol o fabolgampwyr o’r radd flaenaf sy’n cystadlu ledled y byd. Mae cyfranogi ar y lefel hon yn mynnu lefel uchel o ymrwymiad, a hynny’n gorfforol ac yn feddyliol. Mae’r brwdfrydedd yma am dreiathlon yn cael ei adlewyrchu yn fy mhrosiectau dylunio cynnyrch ac wedi llywio f’ymagwedd at bob her rwy’n ei hysgwyddo. Rwyf bob amser yn dod ag agwedd sylwgar, ddisgybledig gan sicrhau fy mod yn drefnus o ran f’amser er mwyn gallu cwblhau beth rwy’n bwriadu ei wneud hyd eithaf fy ngallu.


The aim of this project was to design an ergonomic recovery device brand aligned to Peloton for active people looking to improve their muscle recovery process, through the application of ice and heat, in an efficient and practical way.

Exercising from home is becoming more popular. But with this increase in participation less people are recovering in the correct way for their muscles to be ready for their next session, causing a build-up of fatigue. This can easily be reduced through the use of ice and heat post exercise.

A dual use heat and ice recovery device, enabling users to efficiently and effectively recover straight after exercise from the comfort of their own home. This shortens the recovery process and will allow the user to exercise on a more regular basis with their muscles being fully recovered.

Working alongside ‘Hafod’ we needed to think about: How to make our elderly community feel more valued and a contributing member of society? Our group came up with a concept that allows an elderly person pass on their knowledge as well as having the opportunity to learn new skills.

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