Evie Scammell

BA (Hons) Fashion Design

My collection is based around the struggles individuals have felt with themselves since lockdown. I wanted to portray that it is easy to think of yourself as your enemy through hard times and that everyone feels like this sometimes. I used sustainable home ware fabrics as my collection is called ‘I Don’t Want To Work’, suggesting that even daily tasks have become much more of a challenge than usual and motivation levels have dropped, mixing my own embroidery design work with human emotions I have portrayed a streetwear collection contrasting knit wear and denim patch work.

Mae fy nghasgliad yn seiliedig ar y trafferthion y mae unigolion wedi’u teimlo gyda nhw eu hunain ers y cyfyngiadau symud. Roeddwn am bortreadu ei bod yn hawdd meddwl amdanoch eich hun fel eich gelyn drwy amseroedd caled a bod pawb yn teimlo fel hyn weithiau. Defnyddiais ffabrigau cartref cynaliadwy gan mai teitl fy nghasgliad yw ‘I Dont Want To Work’, gan awgrymu bod hyd yn oed tasgau dyddiol wedi dod yn llawer mwy o her nag arfer a bod lefelau cymhelliant wedi gostwng. Drwy gymysgu fy ngwaith dylunio brodwaith fy hun ag emosiynau dynol rwyf wedi portreadu casgliad dillad stryd sy’n cyferbynnu gweuwaith a gwaith clytwaith denim.

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