Gatto Dyboski King

BA (Hons) Fine Art

My practice is to create works of topics that are intriguing yet grotesque, in the sense that I want to achieve a form of welcoming uneasiness. Repeated phobias influence my work heavily. The inspiration of uneasiness and repulsion of phobias within people intrigues and inspires my work I produce through the use of sculptures and paintings. The themes I find myself going into are of the darker nature, invoking the use of repeated works onto body parts in smaller scale sculptural and painting works. The welcoming uneasiness is introduced by the work being on a smaller scale, having to walk up to the work I create to see the true unsettling nature of what the key part of the practice is about. My practice allows me to explore into these desires and unsettling subjects which invoke uneasiness through the means of my art.

Fy ymarfer yw creu gweithiau o bynciau diddorol ond grotesg, yn yr ystyr fy mod am gyflawni math o anesmwythder croesawgar. Mae ffobiâu cyson yn dylanwadu’n fawr ar fy ngwaith. Mae ysbrydoliaeth anesmwythder a ffieidd-dod ffobiâu o fewn pobl yn cynhyrfu ac yn ysbrydoli’r gwaith rwy’n ei greu drwy ddefnyddio cerfluniau a phaentiadau. Mae’r themâu rwy’n eu harchwilio o natur dywyllach, gan wneud defnydd o lunio gweithiau drosodd a throsodd ar rannau’r corff mewn cerfluniau a phaentiadau llai o ran maint. Mae’r anesmwythder croesawgar yn cael ei gyflwyno drwy fod y gwaith ar raddfa lai, yn sgil gorfod mynd yn agos at y gwaith er mwyn gwerthfawrogi natur anesmwyth allweddol yr ymarfer. Mae fy ymarfer yn caniatáu i mi archwilio’r dyheadau a’r pynciau annifyr hyn sy’n creu anesmwythder drwy gyfrwng fy nghelf.

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