Holly Morgans

BA (Hons) Fashion Design

As a designer, my work incorporates clean lines with a minimalistic approach where key features and textiles bring richness to my aesthetic. Personally, I have a strong appreciation for Asian culture, in particular the history which has stemmed from my grandparents’ travel stories and my own experiences with travel. Throughout my fashion journey, I have incorporated Chinese and Japanese culture within my work which has heavily influenced my design choices for my final collection. I wanted to elaborate on this by researching into Japan’s history for inspiration. A range of concepts were bought to mind ranging from the Geisha, the Samurai, to Japanese buildings and origami. From this, ‘The Way of The Warrior’ was created.

‘The Way of The Warrior’ is based on the Samurai and carefully considers colour to convey certain meanings that the samurai held deer to their heritage along with stylistic features such as rope ties enthused by the knotting of armour. Inspiration was taken from the materials Samurai wore in their day-to-day lives and within battle. I made it an importance in my work to use durable fabrics such as leather and linen to create longevity. The juxtaposition of these two fabrics showcases the strength of the warrior along with the femininity of the female body.

Fel dylunydd, mae fy ngwaith yn ymgorffori llinellau glân ac ymagwedd leiafsymiol lle mae nodweddion allweddol a thecstiliau’n dod â chyfoeth i fy estheteg. Yn bersonol, rwy’n werthfawrogol iawn o’r diwylliant Asiaidd, yn enwedig yr hanes sydd wedi deillio o straeon taith fy Mam-gu a Thad-cu a’m profiadau innau wrth deithio. Drwy gydol fy nhaith ffasiwn, rwyf wedi ymgorffori diwylliant China a Japan o fewn fy ngwaith gan ddylanwadu’n fawr ar fy newisiadau dylunio ar gyfer fy nghasgliad terfynol. Roeddwn i’n awyddus i ehangu ar hyn drwy ymchwilio i hanes Japan am ysbrydoliaeth. Daeth amrywiaeth o gysyniadau i’r meddwl yn amrywio o’r Geisha, y Samurai, i adeiladau Japaneaidd ac origami. Ar sail hynny, crëwyd ‘The Way of The Warrior’.

Seilir ‘The Way of The Warrior’ ar y Samurai ac mae’n ystyried lliw yn ofalus i gyfleu ystyron penodol fod y Samurai’n cadw ceirw yn eu diwylliant yn ogystal â nodweddion arddulliol megis clymau rhaff a seilir ar glymau arfwisg. Cafwyd ysbrydoliaeth o’r defnyddiau roedd y Samurai’n eu gwisgo yn eu bywyd bob dydd ac wrth frwydro. Roedd yn bwysig i mi fy mod yn defnyddio defnyddiau gwydn megis lledr a lliain er mwyn creu hiroesedd. Mae cyfosodiad y ddau ddefnydd yma yn pwysleisio cryfder y rhyfelwr ochr yn ochr â benyweidd-dra’r corff benywaidd.

• https://www.instagram.com/hollylouisefashionn/

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