Jessica Roach

BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology | Uncategorised

A 60 bedroom, four star hotel with conference centre and spa facilities. The hotel will be situated on Friars Point peninsula located in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan. Barry is a seaside resort and attracts around 300,000 tourists every year. The hotel design takes advantage of the views of nearby beaches and the channel with extensive curtain walling to the south elevation. Each bedroom has an ensuite with access to a balcony enabling guests to fully appreciate the landscape. The conference suite is situated on the 1st floor and offers a variety of conference spaces. The ground floor accommodates the restaurant and bars with service areas to the north elevation. A gym and spa have been accommodated in an attached building.

Friars Point hotel has been designed with sustainability as a priority. External walls are cladded with an engineered ceramic tile which has been coated with Hydrotect. When the sun shines on a HYDROTECT surface, it activates oxy-gen on the surface. When pollutants come into contact with activated oxygen, it is changed into harmless material. The hotel is sufficiently insulated to ensure maximum thermal performance and has high levels of airtightness to ensure no infiltration of outside air. The main source of electricity and heat will be supplied via CCHP, this will be supplemented by photovoltaics and solar collectors. The hotel has been orientated to take advantage of passive solar gain but overheating is managed through the specification of solar control glass.

Gwesty pedair seren, 60 o ystafelloedd gwely, canolfan gynadledda a chyfleusterau sba. Bydd y gwesty wedi’i leoli ar benrhyn Friars Point yn y Barri, Bro Morgannwg. Mae’r Barri yn gyrchfan glan-y-môr sy’n denu tua 300,000 o dwristiaid bob blwyddyn. Mae dyluniad y gwesty yn manteisio ar y golygfeydd o’r traethau a Môr Hafren cyfagos drwy fod â llawer o furlenni yn edrych tua’r de. Mae ensuite ym mhob ystafell wely ynghyd â mynediad i falconi a fydd yn galluogi gwesteion i werthfawrogi’r tirlun yn llawn. Mae’r swît gynadledda wedi’i lleoli ar y llawr cyntaf ac mae’n cynnig amrywiaeth o ardaloedd cynadledda. Ar y llawr gwaelod mae’r tŷ bwyta a’r barrau a’r mannau gweini yn wynebu’r gogledd. Mae campfa a sba wedi’u lleoli mewn adeilad cysylltiedig.

Cafodd gwesty Friars Point ei ddylunio â chynaladwyedd yn flaenoriaeth. Ar y waliau allanol mae cladin o deils ceramig sydd wedi’u haraenu â Hydrotect. Pan fydd yr haul yn tywynnu ar arwyneb HYDROTECT, bydd yn actifadu ocsigen ar yr arwyneb. Pan ddaw llygryddion i gysylltiad â’r ocsigen actifedig, cân nhw eu newid i ddeunydd diniwed. Mae’r gwesty wedi’i insiwleiddio’n ddigonol i sicrhau’r perfformiad thermol uchaf ac mae mor aerglos fel na ddaw dim o’r aer y tu allan i mewn. Drwy CCHP y caiff y rhan fwyaf o drydan a gwres ei gyflenwi. Caiff hyn ei ategu gan ffotofoltedd a chasglwyr solar. Mae’r gwesty ar ogwydd fel y gall elwa ar heulwen oddefol ond bydd y gwydr arbennig yn rheoli’r gwres a ddaw o’r heulwen fel na fydd y gwesty’n orgynhesu.

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