Jordan Aaron Fish

BA (Hons) Fine Art

Jordan Fish

The relationship between myself and my father is a difficult one and at times can be challenging. The day to day life of the both of us at times can create greater tension in our relationship, tension that is already present due to the illness that he has, MS.

By recording our day to day lives it has formed a new way of us learning about one another on how our lives differ, how we are similar and what we can both do to release the tension between us. This has allowed me to use the information as a coping mechanism by pushing it into an artistic expression to raise awareness of MS and its traits. It has informed me more about the illness and how it affects the relationships within the family, knowledge which is used within my practice.

Mae’r berthynas rhyngof fi a’m tad yn un anodd ac yn gallu bod yn her ar adegau. Gall bywyd beunyddiol y naill a’r llall ohonom greu mwy o densiwn yn ein perthynas ar adegau, tensiwn sydd yno’n barod oherwydd y salwch sydd ganddo, MS.

Drwy gofnodi ein bywydau o ddydd i ddydd, ffurfiwyd ffordd newydd i ni ddysgu am ein gilydd a sut mae ein bywydau’n wahanol, sut rydym yn debyg a beth allwn ni ei wneud i ryddhau’r tensiwn rhyngom. Mae hyn wedi fy ngalluogi i ddefnyddio’r wybodaeth fel mecanwaith ymdopi trwy ei wthio i fynegiant artistig i godi ymwybyddiaeth o MS a’i nodweddion. Mae wedi rhoi mwy o wybodaeth i mi am y salwch a sut mae’n effeithio ar y berthynas rhwng aelodau’r teulu, gwybodaeth dwi’n ei defnyddio yn fy ymarfer.

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