Katie Whitaker

BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology | Uncategorised

This project demonstrates a new and innovative design to Barry Island. Designing a hotel that satisfies 4 stars was at first quite challenging as there was a lot of requirements involved a lot of space to consider. Through the design phase I enjoyed researching unique external materials and what would attract the neighbouring eye. Looking round the site I was intrigued by the natural surroundings, I wanted to integrate this new development with its natural surroundings. I have incorporated multiple claddings within my design, using natural rockpanel cladding (Timber and Stone) and natural stack stone for my ground floor wall. This may have resulted in my building looking a bit unique but I liked the style that it created. Barry is not the modern town and from seeing the old houses, I did not want to create a building that would stand out of the crowd and ruin the natural environment.

Overall, this journey has developed my knowledge into looking into different materials, how I can use them and the environmental aspect of each visual aspect.

Mae’r prosiect hwn yn dangos dyluniad newydd ac arloesol ar gyfer Ynys y Barri. Roedd dylunio gwesty a fyddai’n haeddu 4 seren yn dipyn o her ar y dechrau gan fod llawer o ofynion ynghlwm wrth y prosiect a llawer o ofod i’w ystyried. Drwy’r cyfnod dylunio fe wnes i fwynhau ymchwilio i ddeunyddiau allanol unigryw a’r hyn fyddai’n denu llygad yr ardal o gwmpas. Wrth i fi edrych o gwmpas y safle, roedd yr amgylchoedd naturiol yn fy nghyfareddu; roeddwn am integreiddio’r datblygiad newydd hwn a’i amgylchoedd naturiol. Rwyf wedi cynnwys sawl cladin gwahanol yn fy nyluniad, yn defnyddio cladin paneli creigiau naturiol (Pren a Charreg) a charreg stacio naturiol ar gyfer wal y llawr gwaelod. Canlyniad hyn o bosib oedd bod fy adeilad yn edrych rhywfaint yn unigryw ond roeddwn yn hoff o’r steil roedd yn ei greu. Nid yw’r Barri yn dref fodern ac wrth weld yr hen dai, doeddwn i ddim am greu adeilad a fyddai’n amlwg ymhlith yr adeiladau eraill ac yn difetha’r amgylchedd naturiol.

Ar y cyfan, mae’r siwrnai hon wedi datblygu fy ngwybodaeth ynglŷn ag archwilio deunyddiau gwahanol, sut gallaf eu defnyddio, ac elfen amgylcheddol pob gwedd weledol.

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