Kenny Waddell-Breen

BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology

Kenny Waddell-Breen

My major final year project is a mixed-use development on a waterside site located adjacent to the South-East edge of the Roath Basin, Cardiff Bay. The development contains one and two bedroom apartments which include multiple penthouses – housing up to 42 residents – a retail unit, office unit and residential space spanning over the bottom two storeys. The concept of the design was to emphasise the use of natural lighting and cross ventilation that the site offers, while making the most of the views of the basin.
The sustainability aspect of the project is to enhance the use of the natural elements via solar gain by carefully positioning the building. If necessary, to counteract the issue of overheating, the use of the prevailing wind from the South-West can be used to naturally combat the issue. The use of recyclable products with destructible and re-usable materials help with the sustainability aspect and the impact to the natural environment.

Fy mhrif brosiect blwyddyn olaf yw datblygiad defnydd cymysg ar safle glan dŵr a leolir cyfagos ag ymyl Basn y Rhath, Bae Caerdydd. Mae’r datblygiad yn cynnwys fflatiau un a dwy ystafell wely sy’n cynnwys pentisiau lluosog – gan gartrefu hyd at 42 o drigolion – uned fanwerthu, uned swyddfeydd a gofod preswyl sy’n ymestyn ar draws y deulawr isaf. Cysyniad y dyluniad oedd pwysleisio’r defnydd o olau naturiol a chroesawyru y mae’r safle’n eu cynnig, ac ar yr un pryd manteisio i’r eithaf ar olygfeydd o’r basn.
Agwedd gynaladwyedd y prosiect yw gwella defnydd o elfennau naturiol gwres solar trwy leoli’r adeilad yn ofalus. Os oes angen, gellir defnyddio prifwyntoedd o’r De-orllewin i ymdrin yn naturiol â gor-wresogi. Mae’r defnydd o gynnyrch ailgylchadwy gyda deunyddiau distrywiadwy y gellir eu hailddefnyddio’n helpu gyda’r agwedd gynaladwyedd a’r effaith ar yr amgylchedd naturiol.

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