Lauren Robins

BA (Hons) Fine Art

I create detailed portraiture paintings that take a view of the uncanny, the subconscious, and the unconscious mind. I use acrylic paint to create my pieces but have recently been exploring oil paint and mixed media. I enjoy using the fluidity of the mediums and materials to create layers to model the human body and face. My work explores relationships between the real and the imaginary realm. Each piece often consists of a portrait perceived in an exaggerated or surrealistic way, meaning, skin tones are often more vibrant or the portraits are distorted in some way. I often use symbolism in my paintings creating a juxtaposition of objects and things that will symbolize and be grouped around specific themes and meanings. I often like to include meanings through the portraits and objects in my paintings that are hidden in plain sight. Surrealism provided me with a technique to express my imagination by rejecting the logic in art and instead of attempting to harness the unconscious in order to release the power of imagination. My work is influenced by the work of Ruth Speer and Salvador Dali, both creating dreamlike hand-painted images of imaginary realms with a focus on symbolism.

Rwy’n creu paentiadau portread manwl sy’n edrych ar y meddwl rhyfedd, isymwybodol, ac anymwybodol. Rwy’n defnyddio paent acrylig i greu fy narnau ond yn ddiweddar rwyf wedi bod yn arloesi gyda phaent olew a chyfrwng cymysg. Rwy’n mwynhau defnyddio hylifedd y cyfryngau a’r deunyddiau i greu haenau i fodelu’r corff a’r wyneb dynol. Mae fy ngwaith yn ystyried y berthynas rhwng y byd real a dychmygol. Mae pob darn yn cynnwys portread a ddychmygwyd mewn modd gorliwiedig neu swreal, sy’n golygu fod lliw’r croen yn fwy bywiog neu fod y portreadau wedi’u hystumio mewn rhyw ffordd. Rwy’n defnyddio symbolaeth yn aml yn fy mheintiadau gan greu cyfosodiad gwrthrychau a phethau a fydd yn symboleiddio ac yn cael eu grwpio o gwmpas themâu ac ystyron penodol. Yn aml rwy’n hoffi cynnwys ystyron drwy’r portreadau a’r gwrthrychau yn fy mheintiadau sy’n cuddio ond eto’n amlwg. Mae swrealaeth wedi cynnig techneg i mi fynegi fy nychymyg gan wrthod y rhesymegol mewn celfyddyd a cheisio harneisio’r isymwybod yn lle hynny er mwyn rhyddhau pŵer y dychymyg. Ruth Speer a Salvador Dali yw’r dylanwadau ar fy ngwaith, y ddau’n creu delweddau o fyd dychmygus gyda ffocws ar symbolaeth.


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