Madelaine Bradley

BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology

Biophilic influences are at the core of my practices. My interest in biophilia originally began as an interest in treehouses, and branched off into the much broader, more versatile nature of living systems and the incredible effect they can have on a person’s wellbeing. The psychological effects of being in touch with natural elements on the human mind are overwhelmingly positive and with mental health concerns and stress levels increasing annually, I believe that our environment can be a passive way of managing our mind.

My interest in architectural technology began with hazard resilient architecture. Seeing the powerful and dynamic difference architecture could make to lives, regardless of how simple the technology or materials, is fascinating to me.

Helping people improve the quality of their existence is what drives my design. Physically or mentally I want people to be healthy in my buildings, sheltered from pollution, and the weather, but more importantly for the concept and build to have a positive impact on their life and future. It is no longer good enough just to have ‘a roof over your head’ I want people to feel empowered by their environment every day.

Aesthetically, I love colour and fluid organic shapes, with lots of biodiversity. I love to work effective colour designs into my buildings, particularly blue and green which are calming, alongside vegetation that has been considered as part of the building as opposed to restraining nature to a planted pot.

Mae dylnwadau bioffilig yn greiddiol i’m harfer. Dechreuodd fy niddordeb mewn bioffilia yn wreiddiol fel diddordeb mewn tai pen coed, ac ehangu i natur lawer ehangach, fwy hyblyg systemau byw a’r effaith anhygoel maent yn gallu eu cael ar lesiant person. Mae effeithiau seicolegol bod mewn cysylltiad ag elfennau naturiol ar y meddwl dynol yn hynod o bositif a chyda phryderon iechyd meddwl a lefelau straen yn codi bob blwyddyn, credaf y gall ein hamgylchedd fod yn ffordd oddefol o reoli ein meddwl.

Dechreuodd fy niddordeb mewn technoleg bensaernïol gyda phensaernïaeth sy’n gydnerth i beryglon. Mae gweld y gwahaniaeth grymus a dynamig y gallai pensaernïaeth ei wneud i fywydau, ni waeth pa mor syml mae’r dechnoleg neu ddeunyddiau, yn gyfareddol i mi.

Helpu pobl i wella ansawdd eu bodolaeth yw beth sy’n gyrru fy nyluniad. Yn gorfforol neu’n feddyliol rwy am i bobl fod yn iach yn f’adeiladau, wedi’u cysgodi rhag llygredd, a’r tywydd, ond yn bwysicach o ran y cysyniad a’r adeiladwaith, cael effaith bositif ar eu bywyd a’u dyfodol. Nid yw’n ddigon da bellach i gael ‘to dros eich pen’ yn unig, rwy am i bobl deimlo wedi’u grymuso gan eu hamgylchedd bob dydd.

Yn estheteg, rwy’n hoff iawn o liw a siapau organig hylifol, gyda llawer o fio-amrywiaeth. Rwy’n hoffi gweithio dyluniadau lliw effeithiol i mewn i’m hadeiladau, yn enwedig glas a gwyrdd sy’n tawelu, ochr yn ochr â llystyfiant sydd wedi’i ystyried yn rhan o’r adeilad yn hytrach na ffrwyno natur i blanhigyn mewn pot.

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