Mary-Morgan Griffiths

BA (Hons) Artist Designer Maker

My art is a manifestation of my special interests and a way to honour and nourish my inner child whilst addressing topics of neurodivergence and mental illness. Inspired by natural phenomena, patterns and textures, my work often has visual and tactile elements to experience. Working with a variety of materials and processes energises and excites me and my artistic choices may be dictated by my sensory desires or by traumas I need to work through, making every piece of art I make uniquely personal to my own experiences and a therapeutic experience for myself.

For me art making is an escape primarily. Whether you like my art or not, whether you understand it, or consider it “good” is not what is important to me. The act of making art allows me the opportunity to address and work through traumas, practise mindfulness or simply just distract myself from anxiety or negative thoughts. I want to share my knowledge and experience of the power of art making with other people like me, who find themselves lost trying to navigate a neurotypical world, in need of comfort and the knowledge that they are not alone.

Amlygiad o fy niddordebau arbennig a ffordd o anrhydeddu a chynnig maeth i’r plentyn y tu mewn i mi wrth fynd i’r afael â phynciau niwro-ddargyfeirio a salwch meddwl yw fy ngwaith celf. Wedi’i ysbrydoli gan ffenomenau, patrymau a gweadau naturiol, mae gan fy ngwaith yn aml elfennau gweledol a chyffyrddol i’w profi. Mae gweithio gydag amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau a phrosesau yn fy ysgogi a’m cyffroi a gall fy newisiadau artistig gael eu pennu gan fy nymuniadau synhwyraidd neu gan drawma y mae angen i mi weithio drwyddo, gan wneud pob darn o gelf rwy’n ei greu yn unigryw o bersonol i fy mhrofiadau fy hun a phrofiad therapiwtig ar fy nghyfer.

Yn sylfaenol, mae creu gwaith celf yn ddihangfa. Nid a ydych chi’n hoffi, yn deall neu’n ystyried fod fy ngwaith celf yn “dda” neu beidio yw’r hyn sy’n bwysig i mi. Mae’r weithred o greu gwaith celf yn rhoi cyfle i mi fynd i’r afael â thrawma a gweithio drwyddo, ymarfer ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar neu ond tynnu fy sylw oddi ar bryderon a meddyliau negyddol. Hoffwn rannu fy ngwybodaeth a’m profiad o bŵer creu gwaith celf gyda phobl eraill tebyg i fi, sy’n cael eu hunain ar goll yn ceisio llywio byd niwro-nodweddiadol, angen cysur a’r wybodaeth nad ydynt ar eu pen eu hunain.


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