Michael Wentworth

BA (Hons) Product Design

As a designer with learning difficulties, I often find myself having to take a step back to see if I am approaching the best direction for my work. I may do things differently, I may do things strangely, but creative solutions are often the best way to overcome hardships. Every project is a steppingstone, each teaching me new things and paving the direction I want to go. The future may be uncertain, but I look forward to seeing what comes next.

Most people have an ideal path that they want to take, but for some, it takes a bit longer to find the right direction and that is ok. Where most people flourish, some will struggle and take a while before they can shine, I am no exception, having taken years to find my path and even more time to overcome hurdles to reach my goal. Never forget the reasons for pursuing your goals, be it passion or financial gain, but without them you will question yourself at every turn, or worse, give up. I simply love coming up with new ideas and I want my work to matter, whether it affects several people, or just one.

Fel dylunydd ag anawsterau dysgu, rwy’n cael fy hun yn aml yn gorfod cymryd cam yn ôl i weld a ydw’n dod at fy ngwaith o’r cyfeiriad gorau. Efallai y byddaf yn gwneud pethau’n wahanol, efallai y byddaf yn gwneud pethau’n rhyfedd, ond atebion creadigol yn aml yw’r ffordd orau o oresgyn caledi. Mae pob prosiect yn garreg sarn, pob un yn dysgu pethau newydd i mi ac yn paratoi’r cyfeiriad rwy eisiau ei gymryd. Mae’r dyfodol o bosibl yn ansicr, ond rwy’n edrych ymlaen at weld beth sy’n dod nesaf.

Mae gan y mwyafrif o bobl lwybr delfrydol maen nhw eisiau ei gymryd, ond i rai, mae’n cymryd ychydig yn hirach i ddod o hyd i’r cyfeiriad cywir a does dim byd yn bod ar hynny. Lle bydd y mwyafrif yn ffynnu, bydd rhai’n cael anhawster ac yn cymryd tipyn cyn iddyn nhw gael disgleirio. Nid wyf i’n eithriad i hynny, ar ôl cymryd blynyddoedd i ddod o hyd i’m llwybr a mwy byth o amser i oresgyn rhwystrau i gyrraedd fy nod. Peidiwch byth ag anghofio’r rhesymau am ddilyn eich nodau, boed angerdd neu elw ariannol, ond hebddyn nhw byddwch chi’n amau’ch hun ar bob troad, neu’n waeth byth, yn rhoi’r gorau. Rwy wrth fy modd yn meddwl am syniadau newydd ac rwy eisiau i’m gwaith i gyfrif, p’un a yw’n effeithio ar sawl person, neu ddim ond un.

For the five-week project I kept second guessing myself, so I started 2 weeks behind my fellow students, but when I found a real purpose to aim my efforts towards, the ideas kept flowing. It may have taken longer, but I’m glad I got there.

The evidence isn’t easy, it may not be perfect, but with time and effort it can give your idea that little extra spark.

Who knew such a simple thing could be so complex? This mouse exterior was a great demonstration for working on a smaller scale and perfecting minor details can improve the efficiency of your design.

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