Oliver Howard

BA (Hons) Product Design

Time management and organisation are my priorities when ensuring efficiency throughout projects. Planning routines and structures are my strongpoint in guaranteeing success throughout my range of client experience. My personable and communicative nature allows me to convey design solutions effectively through presentations and teamwork exercises. I am enthusiastic about developing innovative design solutions to better the experience of those around me. Ensuring that the clients’ needs are fulfilled to their desired result.

Over the past 2 years as the Creative Director for a small business alongside university, I have been developing and applying my professional skillset and design styling towards providing a solution to affordable fitness equipment. In doing so, I have been able to apply my social and communication skills to customers, ensuring that the end user of the product is truly satisfied, through Marketing Design and Product Development. Furthermore, I have been fortunate to work with and alongside other companies to provide design solutions and marketing campaigns to target their end users through social media. This has allowed me to extend my exposure skillset, to connect with third party companies and provide design solutions to the problems that clients are seeking to solve. Developing and building my own company in my spare time has been a substantial benefit to my skillset as a Product Designer, also broadening my business management understanding. My focus is based upon thorough design processes, enhanced customer communication, professionalism, strategy in sales and establishing sustainable business growth.

Rheoli amser a threfnu yw fy mlaenoriaethau wrth sicrhau effeithlonrwydd mewn prosiectau. Arferion a strwythurau cynllunio yw fy nghryfder o ran gwarantu llwyddiant yn fy holl brofiadau gyda chleientiaid. Mae fy natur glên a’m gallu i gyfathrebu yn fy ngalluogi i gyfleu atebion dylunio’n effeithiol drwy gyflwyniadau ac ymarferion gwaith tîm. Rwy’n frwdfrydig ynghylch datblygu atebion dylunio arloesol i wella profiad y rhai o’m cwmpas. Gan sicrhau bod anghenion y cleientiaid yn cael eu diwallu gan gyflawni’r canlyniad a ddymunir.

Dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf fel Cyfarwyddwr Creadigol ar gyfer busnes bach ochr yn ochr â’r brifysgol, rydw i wedi bod yn datblygu ac yn cymhwyso fy sgiliau proffesiynol a’m harddull ddylunio arddull er mwyn cynnig ateb ar gyfer offer ffitrwydd fforddiadwy. Wrth wneud hynny, rydw i wedi gallu defnyddio fy sgiliau cymdeithasol a chyfathrebu gyda chwsmeriaid, gan sicrhau bod defnyddiwr terfynol y cynnyrch yn wirioneddol fodlon, drwy Ddylunio Marchnata a Datblygu Cynnyrch. At hynny, rydw i wedi bod yn ffodus cael weithio gyda, ac ochr yn ochr â chwmnïau eraill i ddarparu atebion dylunio ac ymgyrchoedd marchnata i dargedu eu defnyddwyr terfynol drwy’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Mae hyn wedi fy ngalluogi i ymestyn fy sgiliau amlygiad, cysylltu â chwmnïau trydydd parti a darparu atebion dylunio i’r problemau mae cleientiaid eisiau eu datrys. Mae datblygu ac adeiladu fy nghwmni fy hun yn fy amser sbâr wedi bod o fudd sylweddol i’m set sgiliau fel Dylunydd Cynnyrch, gan ehangu fy nealltwriaeth o reoli busnes hefyd. Mae fy ffocws yn seiliedig ar brosesau dylunio trylwyr, gwell cyfathrebu â chwsmeriaid, proffesiynoldeb, strategaeth ar gyfer gwerthu a sefydlu twf busnes cynaliadwy.

• https://www.behance.net/oliverhoward3
• https://www.instagram.com/_howard_designs

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