Olivia Antonio

BA (Hons) Ceramics

Olivia Jade Antonio

My work displays ambiguous forms that express the human figure, mimicking the subtle movements gestured between bodies capturing connections within intimate moments. These movements displayed by the sensual ceramic forms combined with the composition of the ceramic bodies echo a conversation between the works as being masculine and feminine forms.

The form my vessels are taking on look upon the bare figure taking the areas, which are usually hidden. With the information I have gathered through sketching I have been drawn to make interpretations of the figurative form that gesture towards the sense of movement and I created this in white-bodied vessels as the masculine forms in contrast to a grogged black bodied feminine form. I have got this result through coiling which allows sensitivity towards creating the specific shape desired. A terra sigilata was applied through spraying onto the surface of the vessels that then emulates the texture of skin through a porous texture; I then left the black bases as high-fired raw clay leaving a contrasting matt finish.

My work is a physical embodiment of sensuality and intimacy. There is a connection between the ceramic bodies, a set of gestures and positions that imply a conversation between figures. The phallic forms representing masculinity and the flowing curves of the black forms representing femininity.

Mae fy ngwaith yn dangos ffurfiau amwys sy’n mynegi’r ffigur dynol, gan ddynwared y symudiadau cynnil a welir rhwng cyrff, gan dal cysylltiadau mewn eiliadau clos a phreifat. Mae’r symudiadau hyn a ddangosir gan y ffurflenni ceramig synhwyrus ynghyd â chyfansoddiad y cyrff ceramig yn adleisio sgwrs rhwng y gweithiau fel ffurfiau gwrywaidd a benywaidd.

Mae ffurf fy llestri yn edrych ar y ffigur noeth gan ddangos y darnau sydd wedi’u cuddio fel arfer. Gyda’r wybodaeth dwi wedi’i chasglu trwy fraslunio, dwi wedi cael fy nenu i wneud dehongliadau o’r ffurf ffigurol sy’n awgrymu ymdeimlad o symud ac fe wnes i greu hyn mewn llestri gwyn ar gyfer y ffurfiau gwrywaidd gan gyferbynnu â ffurf fenywaidd grogaidd â chorff du. Dwi wedi cael y canlyniad hwn drwy dorchi sy’n caniatáu sensitifrwydd tuag at greu’r siâp penodol a ddymunir. Defnyddiwyd terra sigilata trwy chwistrellu ar arwyneb y llestri sydd wedyn yn efelychu gwead croen trwy wead mandyllog; Yna, gadewais y gwaelodion du fel clai amrwd wedi’i danio ar wres uchel, gan adael gorffeniad gwrthgyferbyniol heb sglein.

Mae fy ngwaith yn ymgorfforiad ffisegol o’r synhwyrus ac agosatrwydd corfforol. Mae yna gysylltiad rhwng y cyrff ceramig, set o ystumiau sy’n awgrymu sgwrs rhwng ffigurau. Mae’r ffurfiau ffalig yn cynrychioli gwrywdod a’r cromliniau sy’n llifo yn y ffurfiau du yn cynrychioli benyweidd-dra.


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