Clare Stephens

BA (Hons) Ceramics

My previous profession as a midwife compliments the values and ideas within my ceramics, fostering an appreciation of diversity, unity, fragmentation and humanities heritage.

These connections are core to my practice, raising the importance of ‘material’ knowledge and skill base, as well as empathy and intuition. It is an insight that enriches my creativity and understanding of where my practice sits in the world.

I have a love of curvaceous forms, and nothing relates to humanity better than a pot, able to hold both physical and creative intent.

Working with multiple forms, linking through shape and surface symbolizes unity within fragmentation, enhanced by the passage of light and shadow. Incorporating these forms into sculptures and decorative pieces, emphasizes these values.

The qualities of brick clays and glazes add to this expression connecting the forms and lending them weight and narrative.

Whilst pieces may alter in design and clay body, it will always be material qualities, empathy and intuition that informs my practice.

Mae fy mhroffesiwn blaenorol fel bydwraig yn ategu’r gwerthoedd a’r syniadau o fewn fy ngherameg, gan feithrin gwerthfawrogiad o amrywiaeth, undod, darnio a threftadaeth dyniaethau.

Mae’r cysylltiadau hyn yn greiddiol i’m harfer, gan godi pwysigrwydd gwybodaeth ‘faterol’ a sylfaen sgiliau, yn ogystal ag empathi a greddf. Mae’n ddirnadaeth sy’n cyfoethogi fy nghreadigedd a’m dealltwriaeth o ble mae f’arfer yn eistedd yn y byd.

Rwy’n hoff iawn o ffurfiau lluniaidd, a does dim byd yn ymwneud mwy â dynoliaeth na dysgl, sy’n gallu dal bwriad ffisegol a chreadigol.

Mae gweithio gyda ffurfiau lluosog, gan gysylltu trwy siâp ac arwyneb, yn symboleiddio undod o fewn darnio, wedi’i wella gan hynt goleuni a chysgod. Mae ymgorffori’r ffurfiau hyn mewn cerfluniau a darnau addurniadol yn pwysleisio’r gwerthoedd hyn.

Mae priodweddau cleiau briciau a llathrau yn ychwanegu at y mynegiant hwn gan gysylltu’r ffurfiau a rhoi pwysau a naratif iddynt.

Er y gall darnau newid mewn dyluniad a chorff clai, priodweddau materol, empathi a greddf a fydd bob amser yn llywio f’arfer.

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