Ryan Goff

BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology | Uncategorised

As our final year project, we were asked to design a new four star, 60 bed hotel equipped with conference and spa facilities and external landscaping and car parking on a new prominent site by Barry Island, South Wales. Although I had reasonable freedom with the design, we had to follow sketches provided by the client. My aim with this building was to create a light and natural feel throughout, due to the surrounding buildings being quite dated, a modern look would stick out too much from what is surrounding the building so I decided to create a more natural flowing styled design. Ways I feel I accomplished this within my design was the placement of the windows throughout the ground and first floor allowing plenty of light to enter it causing a warmer and righter feel then having loads of empty spaces. Another example of my visions with the project was the use of innovative technologies, what this meant was that in certain aspects of the project, it easily complies with the required Building Regulations for the walls, floors and roof meaning that problems such as heating and cooling of the building won’t be as big of an issue anymore.

Ar gyfer ein prosiect blwyddyn olaf, gofynnwyd i ni ddylunio gwesty newydd, pedair seren, 6o ystafell wely â chyfleusterau cynadledda a sba, a thirlunio allanol a lle parcio ar safle newydd amlwg ger Ynys y Barri, De Cymru. Er i mi gael tipyn o ryddid o ran y dylunio, roedd rhaid i ni ddilyn brasluniau roedd y cleient wedi’u rhoi. Fy nod gyda’r adeilad hwn oedd creu ymdeimlad ysgafn a naturiol drwy’r adeilad i gyd ac oherwydd bod yr adeiladau o’i gylch wedi dyddio tipyn, byddai gwedd fodern yn rhy amlwg o ran yr hyn sydd o gwmpas yr adeilad. Felly penderfynais greu dyluniad mwy naturiol a llifol. Rwy’n teimlo i mi gyflawni hyn o fewn fy nyluniad drwy leoliad y ffenestri ym mhob man ar y llawr gwaelod a’r llawr cyntaf gan adael digon o olau i fynd i mewn iddo a fydd yn rhoi ymdeimlad cynhesach ac ysgafnach na bod â llawer o ofod gwag. Enghraifft arall o’m gweledigaeth o ran y prosiect oedd defnyddio technolegau arloesol a olygai bod yr adeilad mewn rhai agweddau o’r prosiect yn cydymffurfio’n hawdd â’r rheoliadau adeiladu gofynnol ar gyfer y waliau, y lloriau a’r to a fydd yn golygu na fydd problemau megis gwresogi ac oeri’r adeilad yn gymaint o broblem mwyach.

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Alex Smith

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