Samuel Thomas

BA (Hons) Product Design

Design practice influences the world to develop and become a greater, more advanced version of its previous self, forcing designer to play a key role in the future of tomorrow. Product designers allow for never ending possibilities, of that most are beyond the imagination, but to those whom are within the creative circle of divergent design thinking. As designers we hold the power to shape and form the world we live within.

The study of product design has allowed me to flourish into an accomplished designer, enabling me to understand more about the importance of myself as a designer and a young person in what is required to successfully contribute to a better tomorrow. As an up and coming designer my goal is to further enhance my knowledge and skills to assure, I can design and develop innovative products. Through a process that considers the users wants and needs along with what is required to mitigate the impact upon the planet.

I hope to achieve this goal through providing design and development of form and function using a vast variety of fast ideation and rapid prototyping, showcasing this development through my keen passion of presentation, producing elegant and functional products.

As a result of my dedication to my discipline I hope to have a positive impact upon the design community, by bringing a fresh and enthusiastic attitude. I am confident that applying myself to a design career will allow me to provide my skills for a better tomorrow.

Mae arfer dylunio’n dylanwadu ar y byd ac yn mynd yn fersiwn ehangach a mwy datblygedig o’i hun blaenorol, gan orfodi’r dylunydd i chwarae rôl allweddol yn nyfodol yfory. Mae dylunwyr cynnyrch yn caniatáu posibiliadau di-ben-draw, gan fod y rhan fwyaf ohonynt y tu hwnt i’r dychymyg, ond i’r rhai sydd o fewn cylch creadigol meddwl ymrannol am ddylunio. Fel dylunwyr mae gennym y pŵer i siapio a ffurfio’r byd rydym yn byw ynddo.

Mae astudio dylunio cynnyrch wedi fy ngalluogi i ffynnu fel dylunydd medrus, gan fy ngalluogi i ddeall mwy am bwysigrwydd fy hun fel dylunydd a rhywun ifanc o ran yr hyn sydd ei angen i gyfrannu’n llwyddiannus at yfory. Fel dylunydd addawol, fy nod yw datblygu fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau ymhellach i sicrhau y gallaf ddylunio a datblygu cynnyrch arloesol. Trwy broses sy’n ystyried dymuniadau ac anghenion y defnyddiwr ynghyd ‘r hyn sydd ei angen i liniaru’r effaith ar y planed.

Rwy’n gobeithio cyflawni’r nod yma trwy ddarparu dylunio a datblygu ffurf a swyddogaeth gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth helaeth o ffurfio syniadau a phrototeipio’n gyflym, gan arddangos y datblygiad hwn trwy fy angerdd brwd dros gyflwyno, cynhyrchu cynnyrch coeth ac ymarferol.

O ganlyniad i fy ymroddiad at fy nisgyblaeth, rwy’n gobeithio cael effaith gadarnhaol ar y gymuned ddylunio trwy ddod ag agwedd ffres a llawn brwdfrydedd. Rwy’n hyderus y bydd ymrwymo fy hun i yrfa dylunio’n fy ngalluogi i ddarparu fy sgiliau dros ddyfodol gwell.

For my major project the brief I set myself was to “Design inclusive kitchenware for those with limited mobility and/or movement to allow them to become more independent.” A key problem area identified from research was that those with limited mobility such as a person with arthritis struggle to pick up and poor a kettle due them having limited grip strength. This promoted me to design a solution that would allow users to enjoy a hot drink safely and independently.

Ar gyfer fy mhrif brosiect, y briff a osodais i mi fy hun oedd “Dylunio offer cegin cynhwysol ar gyfer y rheiny â symudedd a/neu symudiad cyfyngedig i’w galluogi i fod yn fwy annibynnol.” Un maes problemus allweddol a nodwyd o’r ymchwil oedd bod y rheiny â symudedd cyfyngedig, fel rhywun ag arthritis, yn cael anhawster codi tegell ac arllwys o degell am mai cryfder gafael cyfyngedig sydd ganddynt. Fe wnaeth hyn fy ysgogi i ddylunio ateb a fyddai’n galluogi defnyddwyr i fwynhau diod boeth yn ddiogel ac yn annibynnol.

The key areas of this brief were to design a product that was simple to use, have a high level of ergonomic considerations and allow for greater independence at home by users with limited mobility and/or movement. Additionally, aesthetic appeal of this design was investigated to promote normalisation of this inclusive products. Using a thorough design process, a quirky and fun aesthetic has been produced whilst implementing many hidden design features, improving functionality.

Prif feysydd y briff hwn oedd dylunio cynnyrch a oedd yn syml i’w ddefnyddio, yn cynnwys lefel uchel o ystyriaethau ergonomig ac yn galluogi mwy o annibyniaeth yn y cartref gan ddefnyddwyr â symudedd a/neu symudiad cyfyngedig. Yn ogystal, ymchwiliwyd i apêl esthetig y dyluniad hwn er mwyn hyrwyddo normaleiddio’r cynhyrchion cynhwysol hyn. Gan ddefnyddio proses ddylunio drwyadl, mae cynnyrch esthetig hynod a hwyl wedi’i gynhyrchu wrth weithredu llawer o nodweddion dylunio cudd, gan wella ymarferoldeb.

For my 5-week minor project the brief was “Design an easy to use product that allows for those with loss of sensation of their lower limb/s experience the benefits of cycling with minimal difficulty.” A key consideration for this project was to include an easy clip/unclip solution that will assist the user; therefore, this design solution features two magnetic plates that can be strapped to the user and pedal to simply secure contact between the user’s foot and pedal.

Ar gyfer fy mhrosiect llai 5-wythnos, y briff oedd “Dylunio cynnyrch hawdd ei ddefnyddio sy’n galluogi’r rheiny sydd wedi colli teimlad yn eu haelod/au isaf i gael buddion beicio gyda’r anhawster lleiaf.” Un ystyriaeth allweddol ar gyfer y prosiect hwn oedd cynnwys ateb clipio/dat-glipio hawdd a fydd yn cynorthwyo’r defnyddiwr; felly, mae’r ateb dylunio hwn yn cynnwys dau blât magnetig y gellir eu strapio i’r defnyddiwr a’r pedal er mwyn sicrhau cyswllt rhwng troed y defnyddiwr a’r pedal.

This project was a group competition brief set by W2W, GreyFox and Perch to “Design furniture that fits within a circler economy model and improves natural and human interactions in the work/learn space”. Our design features circler workspaces that can be linked up to create a diverse range of seating options promoting work in small and larger groups. This product will fit within the design for service circler economy model.

Briff cystadleuaeth grŵp a osodwyd gan W2W, GreyFox a Perch oedd y prosiect hwn i “Ddylunio dodrefn sy’n ffitio o fewn model yr economi gylchol ac sy’n gwella rhyngweithio naturiol a dynol yn y man gweithio/dysgu”. Mae ein dyluniad yn cynnwys mannau gweithio cylchol y gellir eu cysylltu i greu ystod amrywiol o opsiynau eistedd, gan hyrwyddo gwaith mewn grwpiau bach a grwpiau mwy. Bydd y cynnyrch hwn yn cydweddu o fewn y dyluniad ar gyfer model economi gylchol gwasanaethau.

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