BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology | Uncategorised

I seek to design buildings that are environmentally, biologically and psychologically sustainable. This is achieved by throughout analysis of a given brief and site constraints. My design ideas are developed by placing a strong emphasis on the needs and comfort of the users because I believe that built environments that humans experience throughout their lives are one of the dominant forces of their well-being.

Rwy’n ceisio dylunio adeiladau sy’n gynaliadwy yn amgylcheddol, yn fiolegol ac yn seicolegol. Cyflawnir hyn drwy ddadansoddi’n drylwyr y briff a roddir a chyfyngiadau’r safle. Caiff fy syniadau dylunio eu datblygu drwy roi pwyslais mawr ar anghenion a chyffyrddusrwydd y defnyddwyr gan fy mod yn credu mai’r amgylcheddau adeiledig y bydd pobl yn eu profi ar hyd eu hoes yw un o’r grymoedd mwyaf dylanwadol o ran eu lles.

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Alex Smith

Alex Smith

Design is one of the few mediums that reaches every corner of the globe and touches everyone. We as a race, have no shortage of problems that need solving or issues that need addressing. To me, design is all about creating innovative solutions to these challenges....