Simeon Minev

BA (Hons) Product Design

As an inspired product designer, I believe it is inherently essential to focus on the user’s perspective, as a successful design is solely determined by the end user. It is not only crucial to meet the demand of the user but to also reimagine their future needs and wants. My passion for design stemmed from my constant intrigue in how products worked, often finding myself taking apart broken products to find out exactly what made the cogs turn. There is no doubt that the complexity of products can be daunting to users, however with a focus on user experience I aim to use my skills to create and update products in order to simplify the use of products for the convenience of a user. Coming from a multi-cultural background as an international student; I can see the value of the user experience from a unique perspective. This is predicated upon the idea that if a product is designed with simplicity in mind you develop a universal language through the product and user intuition. Therefore, a product could be new or updated but, through effective design, the usability can be understood in spite of any language barrier.

Fel dylunydd cynhyrchion ysbrydoledig, credaf ei bod yn anianol hanfodol canolbwyntio ar safbwynt y defnyddiwr, gan fod dyluniad llwyddiannus yn cael ei bennu’n gyfan gwbl gan y defnyddiwr terfynol. Mae nid yn unig yn hanfodol diwallu galw’r defnyddiwr ond hefyd ailddychmygu ei anghenion a’i ddymuniadau yn y dyfodol. Cododd f’angerdd dros ddylunio o’m chwilfrydedd cyson am sut oedd cynhyrchion yn gweithio, gan ddatgymalu cynnyrch toredig yn aml i ddysgu beth yn union a wnaeth i’r dannedd droi. Does dim amheuaeth y gall cymhlethdod cynnyrch fod yn frawychus i ddefnyddwyr, ond drwy hoelio sylw ar brofiad y defnyddiwr fy nod yw defnyddio fy sgiliau i greu a diweddaru cynhyrchion er mwyn symleiddio defnydd cynhyrchion er hwylustod defnyddiwr. Gan fy mod yn dod o gefndir aml-ddiwylliant fel myfyriwr rhyngwladol, gallaf weld gwerth profiad y defnyddiwr o safbwynt unigryw. Seilir hyn ar y syniad os caiff cynnyrch ei greu gyda symlrwydd mewn golwg, rydych yn datblygu iaith gyffredin trwy’r cynnyrch a greddf y defnyddiwr. Felly, gallai cynnyrch fod yn newydd neu wedi’i ddiweddaru ond, trwy ddyluniad effeithiol, mae’r gallu i’w ddefnyddio yn medru cael ei ddeall er gwaethaf unrhyw rwystr iaith.

VERA – The Smart Plant Pot

The interactive plant pot that craves your attention and will not stop until it gets some.

Vera uses a combination of a humidity monitor and light sensor to inform the needs of the plant.
With Vera’s motion sensors and all-round lighting capabilities Vera will sense you and interact with you until satisfied.


Objective- Design a portable Den/Fort that is suitable for indoor and outdoor use, that can be used by not only the children but older members of the family as well.


Objective- to redesign the outer shell of an existing product to suit the design stylings of a chosen brand.

Product – Glue Gun
Brand – Lamborghini


Using a single sheet of steel this one part, monocoque coffee table uses the least amount of waste possible and has no fixings!

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