Thea Hickman-Riding

BA (Hons) Graphic Communication

This body of work explores the taboo subjects within women’s sexual health and the stigma around it. As secrecy becomes a key element to the modern period, this project aims to normalise and encourage conversations surrounding women’s sexual health, focusing specifically on periods and smear tests, as screening rates drop to their lowest ever in two decades.

‘Just’ is a campaign driven brand which ignores the current rules and restrictions made by society, with aim to ‘start the convo and end the stigma’, because at the end of the day it is just a period, so why shouldn’t we be allowed to talk about it openly?

The outcomes are a critical response that shy away from the common use of blue within menstruation advertising today and celebrate the truth of periods with vibrate reds and ‘does what it says on the tin’ branding. The project also aims to discourage fears surrounding smear tests by educating all genders alike.

Mae’r corff hwn o waith yn ymchwilio i bynciau tabŵ o fewn iechyd rhywiol menywod a’r stigma o’i gwmpas. Wrth i gyfrinachedd fynd yn elfen allweddol o’r cyfnod modern, mae’r prosiect hwn yn anelu at normaleiddio ac annog sgyrsiau o gwmpas iechyd rhywiol menywod, gan ganolbwyntio’n benodol ar fislif a phrofion ceg y groth, wrth i gyfraddau sgrinio gwympo i’w lefel isaf erioed ers hugain mlynedd.

Mae ‘Just’ yn frand a symbylir gan ymgyrch sy’n anwybyddu’r rheolau a chyfyngiadau cyfredol a wneir gan gymdeithas, gyda’r nod o ‘gychwyn y sgwrs a dod â’r stigma i ben’, oherwydd ar ddiwedd y dydd dim ond mislif yw e, felly pam na ddylem fedru siarad yn agored amdano?

Mae’r canlyniadau’n ymateb beirniadol sy’n rhusio i ffwrdd o’r defnydd cyffredin o las o fewn hysbysebion mislif heddiw ac yn dathlu gwirionedd mislif gyda lliwiau coch llachar a brandio ‘gwneud beth mae’n dweud ar y tun’. Mae’r prosiect hefyd yn anelu at chwalu gofidion am brofion ceg y groth trwy addysgu pob rhyw fel ei gilydd.

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