Tiancong Zhang

BA (Hons) Fine Art

Tiancong Zhang

My theme was inspired by my visit to the Japanese Style Park, where the scenery had a great impact on me. It was so beautiful. And because of the serious natural environment problems in Tianjin, my hometown, I decided to use the way of painting to express nature.

In the process of painting, I think that natural painting needs to use watercolor and oil painting in theory, and I think that nature should be all-embracing. So when I draw, I use not only one method, but also many ways to express the diversity of natural scenery. Among them, needle-and-tube brush painting is the painting method I am using. The works produced in this way can show the beauty of natural details very well, and this way can also be combined with watercolor. And oil paintings can better express the natural beauty of the landscape and can draw a larger work to show the natural harmony of beauty, and that sense of tranquility.I think it is very wonderful to do so.

I like these works very much, although they are made in different ways, these works are as comfortable and warm as feeling nature, and I think it can make me better observe nature, understand and feel nature.

Ces fy ysbrydoli gan olygfa’r Parc Japaneaidd. Roedd mor hardd. Ac oherwydd problemau difrifol yr amgylchedd naturiol difrifol yn Tyianjin, fy nhref enedigol, penderfynais ddefnyddio’r modd o beintio i fynegi natur.

Yn y broses beintio, i beintio natur, dw i’n credu bod angen defnyddio dyfrlliw ac olew a dwi‘n meddwl y dylai natur fod yn hollgynhwysol. Felly pan fydda i’n lluniadu, nid un dull yn unig fydda i‘n ei ddefnyddio i fynegi amrywiaeth byd natur ond yn hytrach nifer o ddulliau. Yn eu plith, peintio gyda brwsh nodwydd a thiwb. Gall y gwaith y mae’r dull hwn yn ei gynhyrchu ddangos harddwch manylion natur yn dda iawn a gellir cyfuno’r dull hwn gyda dyfrlliw. Gall darluniau olew hefyd gyfleu harddwch naturiol y tirwedd yn well a lluniadu gwaith mwy i ddangos harmoni naturiol yr harddwch a synnwyr o lonyddwch a thawelwch. Mae’n rhywbeth rhyfeddol i‘w wneud.

Rydw i’n hoffi’r gweithiau hyn yn fawr iawn, ac er eu creu gan ddefnyddio dulliau gwahanol, mae’r gweithiau hyn mor gyfforddus a chynnes â natur ei hun a dw i’n credu gall wneud i mi edrych ar natur a’i deall a’i theimlo yn well.

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