Will Brown

BA (Hons) Product Design

The United Nations expects the global population to reach 11.2 Billion people by 2100. This is undoubtedly going to raise fundamental questions regarding the sustainability of our lifestyle habits. As the population incline is predicted to strain the global food and water supply, along with increasing the amount of polluting waste material, the future appears bleak. However, innovation within the design industry may be able to solve this issue by reinventing the way we live.
This is why I’ve decided to enter the design industry. My intention is to reduce the impact of the consumer market by creating products and systems that are beautiful, functional and environmentally sustainable.

As a designer, I find myself particularly influenced by the principles of Biomimicry. Throughout my studies at the Cardiff School of Art and Design I have been given the opportunity to develop my understanding of this ethos in the Constellation module, then applying it to my subject discipline where possible to improve the impact of my work.

Mae’r Cenhedloedd Unedig yn disgwyl i boblogaeth y byd gyrraedd 11.2 Biliwn o bobl erbyn 2100. Does dim dwywaith y bydd hyn yn codi cwestiynau sylfaenol am gynaladwyedd arferion ein dull o fyw. Gan y rhagwelir y bydd y codiad yn y boblogaeth yn straen ar gyflenwad bwyd a dŵr y byd, ynghyd â chynyddu’r deunydd gwastraff sy’n peri llygredd, mae’r dyfodol yn edrych yn llwm. Fodd bynnag, efallai y bydd arloesi o fewn y diwydiant dylunio yn gallu datrys y broblem hon drwy ailddyfeisio’r ffordd rydym ni’n byw.
Dyna pam rwyf wedi penderfynu mynd i mewn i’r diwydiant dylunio. Fy mwriad yw lleihau effaith y farchnad defnyddwyr drwy greu cynhyrchion a systemau sy’n brydferth, yn ymarferol ac yn amgylcheddol gynaliadwy.

Fel dylunydd, mae egwyddorion Bio-ddynwared yn effeithio arnaf yn arbennig. Trwy gydol f’astudiaethau yn Ysgol Celf a Dylunio Caerdydd rwyf wedi cael cyfle i ddatblygu fy nealltwriaeth o’r ethos hwn yn y modiwl Constellation, ac yna ei gymhwyso i ddisgyblaeth fy mhwnc lle bo modd i wella effaith fy ngwaith.

Project Longhorn is a modular insect hotel that aims to open the conversation about eating insects in the future. Research suggests that adopting an entomophagy diet will reduce the environmental impacts of our agricultural practises and my findings throughout this project underlined that the key barrier preventing this change is the stigmatisation within Western Cultures. It is targeted at primary school children as this market is more likely to be open to the idea of change and has therefore been guided by professionals working within the education profession.

The insect hotel fastens to standard magnetic classroom whiteboards and ultimately allows the children to build their own form using their creative intuition. Furthermore, all components were designed for mass manufacture and also include parts that are formed from recycled material.

Naranjahoja is a partition wall aligned to Aguahoja by Neri Oxman that allows office users to work both communally or privately. It applies the concept of Biophilia and The Golden Ratio to working environments with the aim of making the user feel more comfortable and less stressed. It also redefines the visual aesthetic of PPE in professional settings.

The product is manufactured using recycled and sustainable materials such as cedar, cork, polyester textile and polycarbonate sheet. This allows the system to fit the parameters of the Circular Economy as the materials are repurposed, saving them from entering landfill sites.

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