Zoe Worton

BA (Hons) Artist Designer Maker

Currently working in clay and wood, I have created a body of work that demonstrates an eclectic range of processes including hand carving, wood turning, ceramics and advanced technologies.

Wood has become my prime material in all its forms, having a functional basis produced in short series as well as individual pieces that have a sculptural presence.

I appreciate the similarities of clay and wood, in both form and process and my thesis topic of Raku. As an aspect of my work I have attempted a fusion of wood and ceramics.

Guided by my values as a maker, I attempt to use as much sustainably sourced material as possible from the felled tree to discarded waste. I turn seasoned wood but by preference I turn mainly wet wood, known as ‘green’ turning, where I am willing to accept the inherent vagaries such as warping and cracking, even perceived defects seen, as I allow the material to have its own voice as a part of the considered outcome.

I enjoy the physicality of wood turning, the immediate response it provokes and demands of a maker. I enjoy achieving my desired objectives whilst giving the material the respect it deserves. I am convinced my work will evolve creatively by the synergy of repetitive skills application and dedication. Importantly a contributing factor will be determined by the nature of the material I can appropriate for immediate and long term use.

Yn gweithio ar hyn o bryd gyda chlai a phren, rwyf wedi creu corff o waith sy’n arddangos amrywiaeth eclectig o brosesau yn cynnwys cerfio â llaw, turnio, cerameg a thechnoleg uwch.

Pren yn ei holl ffurfiau yw fy mhrif ddeunydd, gan fod iddo sail swyddogaethol sy’n cael ei gynhyrchu mewn cyfresi byr yn ogystal â darnau unigol ac iddynt bresenoldeb cerfluniol.

Rwy’n gwerthfawrogi’r tebygrwydd rhwng clai a phren, o safbwynt ffurf a phroses a Raku fel pwnc fy nhraethawd ymchwil. Un agwedd ar fy ngwaith yw’r ymdrech i asio pren a cerameg.

Gan ddilyn fy ngwerthoedd fel gwneuthurwr, rwyf wedi ceisio defnyddio cymaint o ddeunyddiau o ffynonellau cynaliadwy â phosib o goed wedi disgyn i wastraff a daflwyd. Rwy’n turnio pren wedi’i sychu ond mae’n well gen i durnio pren gwlyb, sef turnio ‘gwyrdd’, drwy fod yn barod i dderbyn mympwyon cynhenid megis camdroadau a chraciau, hyd yn oed ddiffygion tybiedig, wrth i mi ganiatáu i’r deunydd ddefnyddio’i lais ei hun fel rhan o’r canlyniad bwriadus.

Rwy’n mwynhau’r agwedd gorfforol ar durnio pren, yr ymateb sydyn y mae’n ei ennyn a’i fynnu gan y gwneuthurwr. Rwy’n mwynhau cyflawni fy amcanion wrth ddangos y parch dyledus i’r deunydd. Rwy’n argyhoeddedig y bydd fy ngwaith yn esblygu’n greadigol drwy ddefnyddio synergedd sgiliau ailadroddus ac ymroddiad. Yn bwysig iawn, caiff ffactor cyfrannol ei bennu gan natur y deunydd y gallaf ei briodoli i’w ddefnyddio ar unwaith ac yn y tymor hir.

• https://www.instagram.com/zw_maker/

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