Alex Dunkley

BA (Hons) Illustration

Through my illustrations I try to visualise and bring to life the characters and places in stories. I have a strong affinity for fantasy and sci-fi stories and I think these allow me to really experiment with creative designs which I enjoy. When designing characters, my aim is not to only make them aesthetically pleasing but to also implement meaning through links to the story, having it express their personalities or a reflection of the conflict they find themselves in. In addition to this, I create storyboards and comic book style work that finally envisions these different elements in a single coherent narrative.

My go-to mediums for my illustrations are pencil, ink fineliner and Adobe Photoshop; often these are not separated as I import my physical works into Photoshop for digital adjustments and enhancements. My work is often monochrome however I do have experience in colour through the use of Photoshop or colouring pencils.

Drwy fy narluniau rwy’n ceisio delweddu a dod â’r cymeriadau a’r llefydd yn fyw mewn straeon. Rydw i wedi mwynhau straeon ffantasi a ffuglen wyddonol erioed, ac rwy’n meddwl bod hyn yn caniatáu i fi arbrofi gyda dyluniadau creadigol, sy’n rhywbeth rwy’n ei fwynhau. Wrth ddylunio cymeriadau, fy nod yw, nid yn unig eu gwneud nhw’n bleserus i edrych arnyn nhw, ond hefyd creu ystyr drwy gysylltiadau â’r stori, gan fynegi eu personoliaethau neu adlewyrchu’r gwrthdaro maen nhw’n ei wynebu. Yn ogystal â hyn, rwy’n creu byrddau stori a gwaith mewn arddull llyfrau comig sy’n cyfuno’r gwahanol elfennau yma mewn un naratif cydlynus.

Fy nghyfryngau o ddewis ar gyfer fy narluniau yw pensil, llinellau inc mân ac Adobe Photoshop; yn aml iawn nid yw’r rhain yn cael eu gwahanu gan fy mod yn mewnforio fy ngwaith i Photoshop i’w addasu a’i wella’n ddigidol. Mae fy ngwaith yn aml yn unlliw ond mae gen i brofiad mewn creu gwaith lliw drwy ddefnyddio Photoshop neu bensiliau lliwio.

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