Allen George

BSc (Hons) Product Design

As a product designer I believe that there is always room for improvements. This is what drives me to become a very good product designer who designs products that users can easily interact with, which would improve their lives a lot. This is because I have a very good understanding off the full design process and finish with a finished prototype. I am experienced to work under pressure and natural problem solver with ability to come forward with innovative ideas to produce appealing products in the market. I’m currently finishing my final year in Product design. For me, the next step is to pursue a master’s degree in industrial design. Swansea University, my first option for studying industrial design, has already extended me a conditional offer. I’m excited to begin the next phase of my university career at Swansea University and to pursue a new career path in Industrial Design. Following my master’s degree, I plan to pursue a career in automotive design. I’m considering moving away from home to work for a motor manufacture. Where I will be aiming to assist in the design of parts for cars they produce. This will be my career goal in the future, and studying and graduating in product and industrial design will help me achieve it.

Fel dylunydd cynnyrch credaf fod lle bob amser i wella. Dyma sy’n fy ngyrru i ddod yn ddylunydd cynnyrch da iawn sy’n dylunio cynhyrchion y gall defnyddwyr ryngweithio â nhw’n hawdd, a fyddai’n gwella eu bywydau lawer. Mae hyn oherwydd bod gen i ddealltwriaeth dda iawn o’r broses ddylunio lawn ac yn gorffen gyda phrototeip gorffenedig. Rwy’n brofiadol mewn gweithio dan bwysau ac yn ddatryswr problemau naturiol gyda’r gallu i gyflwyno syniadau arloesol i gynhyrchu cynhyrchion apelgar yn y farchnad. Ar hyn o bryd rwy’n gorffen fy mlwyddyn olaf mewn Dylunio Cynnyrch. I mi, y cam nesaf yw dilyn gradd meistr mewn dylunio diwydiannol. Mae Prifysgol Abertawe, fy opsiwn cyntaf ar gyfer astudio dylunio diwydiannol, eisoes wedi estyn cynnig amodol imi. Rwy’n gyffrous i ddechrau cam nesaf fy ngyrfa prifysgol ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe ac i ddilyn llwybr gyrfa newydd mewn Dylunio Diwydiannol. Yn dilyn fy ngradd meistr, rwy’n bwriadu dilyn gyrfa mewn dylunio modurol. Rwy’n ystyried symud oddi cartref i weithio i wneuthurwr moduron, lle byddaf yn anelu at gynorthwyo gyda dylunio rhannau ar gyfer ceir y maent yn eu cynhyrchu. Dyma fydd nod fy ngyrfa yn y dyfodol, a bydd astudio a graddio mewn dylunio cynnyrch a diwydiannol yn fy helpu i’w gyflawni.

Lifeline provides a service that assists in ensuring that elderly people are cared for, following fall related injuries. This is monitored by the built-in fall detector, as well as the impact sensor. When or if a fall is reported, this technology notifies the next of kin as well as the emergency services

Construct a robotic rover. The rover should be capable of traversing a variety of terrain. The rover should have at least two motors and be capable of moving forward, backward, left, and right.

I was given the challenge of re-designing a hand-held product that could be mass-produced, meet the needs of a particular target market, and be consistent with an established brand. The product that was used was a Bosch-aligned glue gun.

TrŠdgŒrd is a wonderful collection of outdoor furniture that adds both comfort and functionality to your garden. TrŠdgŒrd enables you to switch your indoor rooms to the outside. This set of furniture helps you to be closer to the outdoor world and helps you relax comfortably while being productive.

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