Aneurin Hughes

BA (Hons) Illustration

Please note that some viewers might find some of the images below upsetting or disturbing. Please proceed with caution.

Much of my illustration work in general is laden with an underlying sense of the uncanny and uncomfortable, often with this being intended as a metaphor for internal struggles or emotions that might be difficult to convey through words. My focus is on atmosphere and mood, aiming to have the viewer’s reaction to my work mirror the emotions of the characters present within them. I often use garish or unnatural colours and combine different media as a means to further push the ideas of unreality and strangeness that are present in the imagery.

This project is largely driven by my love for graphic novels, and how even a single static image can contain an infinite amount of storytelling potential. Though the bulk of this work was not intended to be created in a narrative comic format or with a conventional overarching narrative structure, the pieces in this project are filtered through the lens of the potential wider story that might exist beyond the borders of each image. I encourage the audience to become a participant and look at my work without too much guidance or explanation; ambiguity and individual interpretation are where I believe some of the most interesting stories are found.

Yn gyffredinol, mae llawer o fy ngwaith darlunio yn llawn ymdeimlad o’r anghyfarwydd a’r anghyfforddus, a bwriad hynny fel arfer yw creu trosiad ar gyfer emosiynau neu frwydrau mewnol sy’n gallu bod yn anodd i’w cyfleu mewn geiriau. Rwy’n canolbwyntio ar awyrgylch a naws, ac yn anelu i ennyn ymateb gan yr arsyllwr sy’n adlewyrchu emosiynau’r cymeriadau sy’n cael eu cyflwyno yn y gwaith. Rwy’n aml yn defnyddio lliwiau gorliwgar neu annaturiol ac yn cyfuno gwahanol gyfryngau fel ffordd o wthio syniadau am afrealrwydd a hynodrwydd sy’n bresennol yn y ddelweddaeth.

Mae’r prosiect yma’n cael ei yrru i raddau helaeth gan fy hoffter o nofelau graffig, a sut gall un llun llonydd gynnwys swm diddiwedd o straeon posib. Er nad y bwriad ar gyfer y rhan helaeth o’r gwaith oedd ei greu ar ffurf fformat stribed comig neu strwythur naratif trosfwaol confensiynol, mae’r darnau yn y prosiect yma’n cael eu hidlo drwy lens y stori ehangach bosib a allai fodoli y tu hwnt i ffiniau pob delwedd. Rwy’n annog y gynulleidfa i ddod yn gyfranogwyr ac i edrych ar fy ngwaith heb lawer o arweiniad nac esboniad; rwy’n credu bod rhai o’r straeon mwyaf diddorol yn deillio o amwysedd a dehongliad unigolion.

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