Angharad Wallace

BA (Hons) Graphic Communication

Angharad Wallace

Fresh is a natural soap bar company, which is palm oil and plastic free, caring for both you and the environment. Our sustainable resources are crafted delicately to ensure a soothing experience, leaving you smelling heavenly and feeling fresh. Fresh is an innovative alternative for any person who wants to make a difference to protect our planet without losing the quality you love.

Cwmni bariau sebon naturiol yw Fresh. Nid yw’n cynnwys olew palmwydd na phlastig, felly mae’n gofalu amdanoch chi a’r amgylchedd. Mae ein hadnoddau cynaliadwy wedi’u creu yn ofalus i sicrhau profiad tyner, sy’n eich helpu i arogli’n hyfryd a theimlo’n ffres. Mae Fresh yn ddewis amgen arloesol i unrhyw un sydd am wneud gwahaniaeth er mwyn diogelu ein planed heb golli’r ansawdd rydych yn ei hoffi.

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