Christina Bolt

BA (Hons) Ceramics

‘Urban Kintsugi:Interventions 1-7’ & ‘Tipping Point’

Christina’s work focuses on the dichotomy of the strength and frailties of the human condition through the context of our relationship within our strong yet fragile environment. Her current work is split between gallery pieces and street art interventions.

‘Urban Kintsugi:Interventions 1-7’ The guerilla ceramics have developed into a style of work she has named Urban Kintsugi after the traditional Japanese technique of repairing broken ceramics with lacquer and gold leaf. This new Urban Kintsugi involves filling and highlighting the cracks in the surface of our urban environment with handmade tiles showing images of natural foliage, curious deep sea creatures and in-utero animals. Here the juxtaposition of natural phenomena against our urban backdrop can be read as either a healing, harmonious intervention much like the traditional Kintsugi, or a revealing of Nature just below the surface of our man-made structures and our own urbane skins.

‘Tipping Point’ Within the gallery Christina is exploring the boundaries of the relationship between Man and Nature through the installation of found ‘sea-bricks’, (formed by man and worn by nature, in conjunction with handmade spoons. The ability to make tools and cook food are a unique ability that define us as human, in reference to that the spoons explore the possibilities for dominance of both Man and Nature and the point where there is a moment of synchronisation in more detail, their composed placement in relation to the bricks hinting at harmonious potential between both protagonists.

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