Eleanor Richards

BA (Hons) Illustration

In my work I aim to evoke tangible spaces and capture moments in time, conveying the emotion one might feel in such a moment. Inspired by music, personal testimonies, poetry and other creative texts, my work this year has focused on cycles of depression, loneliness, isolation and addictive tendencies. These topics have become ever more relevant due to the current global pandemic where many are forced to be alone with their issues.

Looking at this from multiple viewpoints illuminates a broader spectrum of ways these behaviours affect a person and the people around them, including moments where a person decides either to break the cycle of negative behaviour or to continue on. We can also consider the fears of people around them feeling helpless to prevent this behaviour, leading to frustration from both sides.

Considering the metaphor of external calm and internal turmoil both in terms of bodies and buildings, I explore ways to emulate the mood and feelings evoked by the music both in 2D and 3D pieces and the moving image. These scenes convey a detached, dreamlike quality with an ambiguous suggestion that something is not quite right. Without using a character to focus on, these scenes offer a moment where the viewer is invited to create their own narrative by stepping into the world and potentially experiencing empathy.

Yn fy ngwaith rwy’n ceisio ysgogi mannau go iawn a dal eiliadau mewn amser, gan gyfleu’r emosiwn y gallai rhywun ei deimlo mewn eiliad o’r fath. Mae fy ngwaith eleni wedi’i ysbrydoli gan gerddoriaeth, hanesion personol, barddoniaeth a thestunau creadigol eraill ac wedi canolbwyntio ar gylchoedd iselder, unigedd, ynysu a thueddiadau caethiwus. Mae’r pynciau hyn wedi dod yn fwy perthnasol yn sgil y pandemig byd-eang cyfredol lle mae llawer yn cael eu gorfodi i ddelio â’u problemau ar eu pennau eu hunain.

Mae edrych ar hyn o sawl safbwynt gwahanol yn dangos sbectrwm ehangach o ffyrdd y mae’r ymddygiadau hyn yn effeithio ar berson a’r bobl o’u hamgylch, yn cynnwys adegau pan fo person yn penderfynu naill ai torri cylch ymddygiad negyddol neu barhau fel ag y mae. Gallwn hefyd ystyried ofnau pobl o’u hamgylch sy’n teimlo’n ddiymadferth i atal yr ymddygiad hwn, gan arwain at rwystredigaeth ar y naill ochr a’r llall.

Gan ystyried y trosiad o fod yn ddigyffro ar y tu allan ond yn gythryblus y tu mewn o ran cyrff ac adeiladau, rwy’n archwilio ffyrdd o efelychu’r awyrgylch a’r teimladau sy’n cael eu hysgogi gan gerddoriaeth mewn darnau 2D a 3D a lluniau symudol. Mae’r golygfeydd hyn yn cyfleu ansawdd breuddwydiol, ar wahân gydag awgrym amwys nad yw popeth yn hollol iawn. Heb ddefnyddio cymeriad i ganolbwyntio arno, mae’r golygfeydd hyn yn cynnig eiliad lle gwahoddir y gwyliwr i greu ei naratif ei hun drwy gamu i’r byd a phrofi empathi o bosibl.

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