Esme French

BA (Hons) Illustration

British illustrator Esme French has drawn on her passion for sustainability to highlight the issues of fast fashion through her practice. She believes that spreading awareness on this subject through illustration can help catch the eye of the observer and educate people as a result. Her process involves screen printing, ink work, digital patterns and text which are digitally rendered together to create her outcome. Outcomes include editorials, prints, information cards, stickers and booklets all in response to fast fashion. Esme hopes to make change in the future and push others to do more. Fast fashion is a method of design, manufacturing and marketing to produce high volumes of clothes at a rapid rate. This area of fashion has an enormous environmental footprint which is why she wants to use her creative skills to help educate people on the topic and make change within the world. This is something that needs addressing now and not when it’s too late.

Mae’r darlunydd o Brydain, Esme French, yn defnyddio ei hangerdd tuag at gynaliadwyedd i dynnu sylw at faterion ffasiwn cyflym drwy ei chelf. Mae’n credu y gall codi ymwybyddiaeth am y pwnc drwy ddarlunio helpu i ddal llygad yr arsyllwr ac addysgu pobl o ganlyniad i hynny. Mae ei phroses yn cynnwys printio sgrin, gwaith inc, patrymau digidol a thestun, sy’n cael eu rendro’n ddigidol gyda’i gilydd i greu’r gwaith celf. Ymhlith y canlyniadau mae darnau golygyddol, printiau, cardiau gwybodaeth, sticeri a llyfrynnau, oll mewn ymateb i ffasiwn cyflym. Mae Esme yn gobeithio creu newid yn y dyfodol ac annog eraill i wneud mwy. Ffordd o ddylunio, gweithgynhyrchu a marchnata er mwyn cynhyrchu llawer iawn o ddillad yn gyflym yw ffasiwn cyflym. Mae’r maes ffasiwn yma’n gadael ôl troed amgylcheddol enfawr, a dyna pam mae hi am ddefnyddio ei sgiliau creadigol i helpu i addysgu pobl am y pwnc a chreu newid yn y byd. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth sy’n rhaid mynd i’r afael ag ef nawr, ac nid pan fydd hi’n rhy hwyr.

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