Heidi Murtagh-Smith

BA (Hons) Textiles

Whilst studying at CSAD I have learnt a variety of skills and techniques to develop my identity as a textile surface pattern designer. As well as engaging with sessions within the studio, I have also taken opportunities to engage with work experiences to explore my range of career options for when I graduate. From these I have learnt where and how I want to focus my skills and what industry I want to go into once graduating. Engaging with both university and professional companies has provided me with a well-rounded view of the areas I really need to engage with and also made me critically analyse what I want out of my career. From these experiences I have learnt I have a love for designing children’s ranges which I have decided to focus on throughout my third year in order to develop my ideas and skills. My final collection focuses on interior products for little girls as well as expanding into other areas such as fashion and fancy dress which all extend on the theme of a little girl’s room. It is the fun and imaginative style which has drawn me to kids design and this is something I would never have explored if I didn’t engage with external companies throughout my time at CSAD.

Wrth astudio yn Ysgol Gelf a Dylunio Caerdydd, rydw i wedi dysgu amrywiaeth o sgiliau a thechnegau er mwyn datblygu fy stamp fy hun fel dylunydd tecstilau a phatrwm ar yr wyneb. Yn ogystal â chyfrannu at sesiynau stiwdio, rydw i hefyd wedi manteisio ar gyfleoedd i fynd ar brofiadau gwaith er mwyn ystyried yr ystod o opsiynau gyrfa sydd ar gael ar ôl graddio. Trwy hyn, rydw i wedi dysgu ble a sut rydw i am ganolbwyntio fy sgiliau a pha ddiwydiant yr hoffwn fynd iddo ar ôl graddio. Mae ymgysylltu â chwmnïau proffesiynol a phrifysgolion wedi rhoi darlun cyflawn i mi o’r meysydd y mae gwir angen i mi ymddiddori ynddynt ac wedi gwneud i mi ddadansoddi’n feirniadol yr hyn hoffwn ei gael o’m gyrfa hefyd. O’r profiadau hyn rydw i wedi dysgu bod gennyf ddiddordeb mawr mewn dylunio casgliadau ar gyfer plant a phenderfynais ganolbwyntio ar y rhain gydol fy nhrydedd flwyddyn er mwyn meithrin syniadau a sgiliau. Mae fy nghasgliad terfynol yn canolbwyntio ar gynhyrchion i ystafelloedd merched bach ac ehangu i feysydd eraill fel ffasiwn a gwisg ffansi sy’n ategu thema ystafell merch fach. Yr arddull hwyliog, dychmygus hon sydd wedi fy nenu at faes dylunio plant, rhywbeth na fyddwn i erioed wedi ei ystyried pe na bawn i’n ymgysylltu â chwmnïau allanol gydol fy amser yn yr Ysgol Gelf a Dylunio.

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