Jennifer Protheroe

BA (Hons) Textiles

Jennifer Protheroe

My collection specialises in combining Illustrated drawings with digital design. My inspiration comes from the beauty of everyday objects and the positive effect objects can have on people whilst looking at peoples personal work spaces. Therefore I have created a range of different themed work spaces and incorporated my Staffordshire background within my collection by using objects that my friends and family own and use in their daily life. I believe objects can have a positive effect on people and they allow us to link memories and feelings back to them which I researched in my dissertation. I wanted to create a collection that allowed people to see into someone elses life and what objects people have attachments too.

Mae fy nghasgliad yn arbenigo mewn cyfuno darluniadau â dylunio digidol. Daw fy ysbrydoliaeth o harddwch pethau pob dydd a’r effaith bositif y gallai pethau ei chael ar bobl wrth edrych ar ofodau gwaith personol pobl. Felly, rwyf wedi creu ystod o ofodau gwaith â gwahanol themâu ac wedi cynnwys fy nghefndir o Swydd Stafford yn fy nghasgliad drwy ddefnyddio pethau y mae fy ffrindiau a fy nheulu yn berchen arnyn nhw ac yn eu defnyddio yn eu bywyd bob dydd. Rwy’n credu y gall gwrthrychau effeithio’n bositif ar bobl ac yn ein galluogi i gysylltu atgofion a theimladau yn ôl atyn nhw. Fe wnes i ymchwil ar hyn yn fy nhraethawd. Roeddwn am greu casgliad a fyddai’n galluogi pobl i weld i mewn i fywyd rhywun arall a gweld pa bethau sy’n annwyl iddyn nhw.

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