Lois Jones

BA (Hons) Illustration

My practice considers the position of women in mythology from a modern feminist perspective, while providing a platform for the woman’s voice to be heard. I work primarily through narrative and storytelling and write my own poetry. My aim is to portray mythological women in a feminist light without taking anything away from the original classical tales. I think it is important to show the strengths of these female characters through their adversities, instead of infantilising them and glossing over atrocities that they have faced. In my work, I attempt to re-imagine and fully convey the characters’ voices and feelings and I tend to focus on female figures who have gained a negative reputation and attempt to portray them as the heroes of their own stories.

For my final major project, I have created an illustrated poetry book featuring texts I have written myself from the perspective of women in Greek Mythology such as Medusa, Circe and Arachne. The poems are intimate and emotive, detailing the pains they have faced in their tales. This project is very personal as the poems communicate feelings which I have experienced myself and which other women may also have experienced.

Mae fy ngwaith yn ystyried safle menywod mewn chwedloniaeth o safbwynt ffeministaidd modern, gan roi llwyfan i lais menywod. Rwy’n gweithio’n bennaf drwy naratif a straeon ac yn ysgrifennu fy ngherddi fy hun. Fy nod yw portreadu menywod chwedlonol mewn goleuni ffeministaidd heb gymryd unrhyw beth i ffwrdd o’r straeon clasurol gwreiddiol. Rwy’n credu ei bod hi’n bwysig dangos cryfderau’r menywod hyn drwy eu helbulon, yn lle eu trin fel plant ac anwybyddu’r helbulon maen nhw wedi’u hwynebu. Yn fy ngwaith, rwy’n ceisio ail-ddychmygu a chyfleu lleisiau a theimladau cymeriadau’n llawn ac rwy’n tueddu i ganolbwyntio ar fenywod sydd wedi cael enw negyddol ac yn ceisio eu portreadu fel arwresau eu straeon eu hunain.

Ar gyfer fy mhrosiect mawr olaf, rydw i wedi creu llyfr barddoniaeth â lluniau yn cynnwys testunau wedi’u hysgrifennu gennyf o safbwynt menywod mewn chwedloniaeth Roegaidd fel Medusa, Circe ac Arachne. Mae’r cerddi’n bersonol ac emosiynol, yn rhoi manylion y boen maen nhw wedi’i wynebu yn eu hanesion. Mae’r prosiect hwn yn bersonol iawn gan fod y cerddi’n cyflwyno’r teimladau rydw i wedi’u profi fy hun ac y gallai menywod eraill fod wedi’u profi hefyd.

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