Ryan Vincent

BSc (Hons) Product Design

I believe creating and finding solutions to the world’s problems, demonstrates a passionate and motivated designer. Tackling new issues displays a focus for a more sustainable future in each part of the design process. The goal being to move forward and learn from the mistakes previously made, to ensure the products of tomorrow give aesthetic desirability, with more meaningful and purposeful connections to everyone.

Sustainability is a massive drive in my design process, revolving around how each product can minimise its carbon footprint and have minimal effect on the outside environment. Products that not only provide their base functions but also become a tool for learning is a massive step forward to create wider awareness of the global catastrophe that is currently occurring.

A products functionality is key to the success of its operational capabilities. In many cases, the aesthetic design and form must be built around the structural and systematic features of the products. For example, during my major project I had to re-design the mechanical wheelchair frame to suit a new method of height adjustment using an airbag system. I use this process to analyse the requirements of the product in the environment it must be used in. This helps explore suitable iterative ideas that can be advanced into further development.

In the future I would like to explore more sustainable avenues of design and how I can adapt my process for different products in multiple environments, gaining a wider range of design knowledge.

Rwy’n credu bod creu a dod o hyd i atebion i broblemau’r byd, yn dangos dylunydd angerddol a llawn cymhelliant. Mae mynd i’r afael â materion newydd yn dangos ffocws ar gyfer dyfodol mwy cynaliadwy ym mhob rhan o’r broses ddylunio. Y nod yw symud ymlaen a dysgu o’r camgymeriadau a wnaed yn flaenorol, er mwyn sicrhau bod cynhyrchion yfory yn rhoi dymunoldeb esthetig, gyda chysylltiadau mwy ystyrlon a phwrpasol â phawb.

Mae cynaliadwyedd yn ysgogiad enfawr yn fy mhroses ddylunio, gan droi o gwmpas sut y gall pob cynnyrch leihau ei ôl troed carbon a chael yr effaith leiaf bosibl ar yr amgylchedd y tu allan. Mae cynhyrchion sydd nid yn unig yn darparu eu swyddogaethau sylfaenol ond hefyd yn dod yn offeryn ar gyfer dysgu yn gam enfawr ymlaen i greu ymwybyddiaeth ehangach o’r trychineb byd-eang sy’n digwydd ar hyn o bryd.

Mae swyddogaeth cynnyrch yn allweddol i lwyddiant ei alluoedd gweithredol. Mewn llawer o achosion, rhaid i’r dyluniad a’r ffurf esthetig gael eu hadeiladu o amgylch nodweddion strwythurol a systematig y cynhyrchion. Er enghraifft, yn ystod fy mhrosiect mawr bu’n rhaid i mi ail-ddylunio’r ffrâm cadair olwyn fecanyddol i weddu i ddull newydd o addasu uchder gan ddefnyddio system bagiau awyr. Rwy’n defnyddio’r broses hon i ddadansoddi gofynion y cynnyrch yn yr amgylchedd y mae’n rhaid ei ddefnyddio. Mae hyn yn helpu i archwilio syniadau ailadroddol addas y gellir eu datblygu i ddatblygiad pellach.

Yn y dyfodol hoffwn archwilio llwybrau dylunio mwy cynaliadwy a sut y gallaf addasu fy mhroses ar gyfer gwahanol gynhyrchion mewn sawl amgylchedd, gan ennill ystod ehangach o wybodaeth ddylunio.

The product aims at giving greater accessibility and independence through the increase of both adults and children playing. Users have the ability to learn and establish key experiences allowing them to further develop and grow. The increase of social communication and imagination allows younger generations to advance and not be left behind.

The product is 3D printable to increase the modularity and affordability so that users can grow with the chair. The ease of customising gives greater personal connections with the product to establish a more meaningful relationship whilst providing suitable comfort and stability.

Coral Regeneration Tank
The device combines with secondary school education programs increasing the awareness and education of the importance of coral reefs in the biodiversity of the ocean. The product allows students to have a hands-on approach to grow coral that will be returned to the ocean to help re-establish coral growth and reduce the number of dead zones appearing across the globe.

The products are made from ocean plastic that is turned into 3D filament. The device is simple and effective to use with many features allowing coral to thrive. The device contains several sensors that output data onto the screen, whilst also requiring students to test and adjust other chemicals to create sustainable conditions for growth.

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