Taraya Rose Paget

BA (Hons) Illustration

In my work I respond to world issues which are not directly tackled or have not been communicated clearly due to complexity of the issues. Untangling and responding to such complex matters incurs in-depth research and analysis, this aids my understanding of the subject as a whole. These topics are often identified as being daunting for people to approach or have such a complex web of information it can be too complicated to navigate.

My goal is to ensure that my illustrations can be a visual reference for understanding of such complex issues. Using visual metaphor to example key elements of information and sometimes my personal opinion on the matter can aid understanding for viewers. I also aim to provoke thought and personal exploration for viewers, perhaps enticing their interest to generate their own opinion and understanding. I gather inspiration for imagery from my everyday surroundings, exploring this using observational drawing as a tool. Utilising observational drawing references has ensured my work is always visually contextualised, which has aided my approach to form when generating final imagery. Applying a digital approach for final imagery allows me to create crisp and precise imagery for a professional finish.

Yn fy ngwaith rwy’n ymateb i faterion y byd sydd ddim yn cael sylw uniongyrchol ac sydd heb eu cyfathrebu’n glir oherwydd eu bod yn gymhleth. Mae datrys ac ymateb i faterion mor gymhleth yn golygu ymchwil a dadansoddiad manwl, ac mae hyn yn helpu i ddeall y pwnc yn gyffredinol. Yn aml, dywedir bod y pynciau hyn yn rhy anodd i bobl eu trafod neu ei bod hi’n anodd cael gwe gymhleth o wybodaeth gan fod ei llywio mor gymhleth.

Fy nod yw sicrhau bod fy narluniau’n gallu bod yn gyfeiriad gweledol i ddeall materion cymhleth o’r fath. Gall defnyddio trosiad i roi enghreifftiau o elfennau allweddol gwybodaeth ac weithiau fy marn bersonol ar y mater helpu dealltwriaeth i’r gwylwyr. Rwy’n ceisio ysgogi pobl i feddwl ac archwilio’n bersonol hefyd, gan ennyn eu diddordeb i ffurfio eu barn a’u dealltwriaeth eu hunain o bosibl. Y pethau o’m hamgylch bob dydd sy’n ysbrydoli fy lluniau, ac rwy’n archwilio hyn gan ddefnyddio lluniau arsylwadol fel arf. Mae defnyddio cyfeiriadau darlunio arsylwadol wedi sicrhau bod gan fy ngwaith gyd-destun gweledol bob amser, sydd wedi helpu datblygiad fy null wrth greu’r delweddau terfynol. Mae defnyddio dull digidol ar gyfer fy nelweddau terfynol yn fy ngalluogi i greu delweddaeth glir a manwl-gywir i gael gorffeniad proffesiynol.

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