Leon Phillips

BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology | Uncategorised

Located on Friars Point in Barry island, the proposal of Friars Point hotel was a perfect destination for guests to experience the scenic coast of south Wales. The Hotel offers modern and comfortable guest rooms, imaginatively designed with a modern complexity and style. Friars Point Hotel offers 60 guest rooms in size and have the usual facilities found in a four-star hotel such as conference rooms, restaurant, bar as well as a spa and gym. The exterior walls consist of a mixture of Trespa Meteon cladding panels below and zinc rainscreen cladding, this provides the hotel with great durability whilst maintaining an attractive look. The design features large areas of curtain walling to maintain natural light throughout the interior, with guest being able to admire the views from the restaurant, bar and open space seating. The interior includes walnut flooring in the majority of rooms, this material finish provides quality assurance, durability and an attractive modern look to the internal spaces.

Wedi’i leoli ar Friars Point yn Ynys y Barri, roedd gwesty arfaethedig Friars Point yn gyrchfan berffaith i westeion gael profiad o arfordir hardd De Cymru. Mae’r gwesty’n cynnig ystafelloedd modern a chyffyrddus i’r gwesteion sydd wedi’u dylunio â chyfuniad o gyfleusterau ac arddull fodern. Mae 60 o ystafelloedd gwely yng Ngwesty Friars Point ac mae ynddo’r cyfleusterau arferol a geir mewn gwesty pedair-seren megis ystafelloedd cynadledda, tŷ bwyta, bar yn ogystal â sba a champfa. Mae cymysgedd o baneli cladin Trespa Meteon ar waelod y waliau allanol a chladin gwrth-law o sinc. Bydd hyn yn helpu i’r gwesty barhau gan gynnal golwg ddeniadol. Mae’r dyluniad yn cynnwys mannau eang wedi’u murlennu i gael cynnal y golau naturiol drwy’r tu mewn i gyd, a bydd y gwesteion yn gallu edmygu’r golygfeydd o’r tŷ bwyta, y bar a’r eisteddle agored. Ar loriau’r tu mewn mae pren cnau ffrengig yn y rhan fwyaf o’r ystafelloedd; drwy ddefnyddio hwn sicrheir ansawdd a gwydnwch a golwg fodern ddeniadol i’r ardaloedd y tu fewn.

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