Daisy Osborne-Walsh

BA (Hons) Illustration

As an artist, I aim to be a positive agent for change and increase awareness on topics I find most important. My work is fuelled by my passion to shed light on social injustices, specifically effecting women. The topic basis of my work is often regarding sexual violence and how widespread and normalised it has become in our society. The aim of this work is to address the psychological hardships many survivors of sexual violence go through, as it is so rarely discussed. In the media we often see hear about the court cases of sexual violence but rarely see the aftermath of assault. Many survivors will have to cope with trauma for the rest of their lives, therefore we must learn to understand these feelings and approach them with patience and love. This work is not to speak for all survivors of sexual violence, but to encourage conversations into these issues and shed light on the realities of survivors.

Fel artist, rwy’n ceisio bod yn asiant cadarnhaol o blaid newid a chynyddu ymwybyddiaeth o’r pynciau sydd bwysicaf i mi. Mae fy ngwaith yn cael ei ysgogi gan fy angerdd i daflu goleuni ar anghyfiawnderau cymdeithasol sy’n effeithio’n benodol ar fenywod. Mae’r pwnc sy’n sail i’m gwaith yn ymwneud â thrais rhywiol yn aml a pha mor eang a mynych ydyw yn ein cymdeithas erbyn hyn a’r graddau y mae wedi’i normaleiddio. Nod y gwaith yw mynd i’r afael â’r caledi seicolegol mae llawer o oroeswyr trais rhywiol yn ei wynebu, gan mai anaml y caiff hynny ei drafod. Yn y cyfryngau, rydym yn clywed yn aml am achosion llys yn ymwneud â thrais rhywiol ond anaml y gwelwn ganlyniadau ymosodiad. Bydd yn rhaid i lawer o oroeswyr ymdopi â thrawma am weddill eu bywydau, felly mae’n rhaid i ni ddysgu deall y teimladau hyn ac ymdrin â nhw gydag amynedd a chariad. Nid amcan y gwaith hwn yn siarad ar ran holl oroeswyr trais rhywiol, ond annog sgyrsiau am y materion hyn a thaflu goleuni ar realiti goroeswyr.

• http://daisyosbornewalsh.squarespace.com
• https://www.instagram.com/daisyanneillustrates

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